In streamlining services and moving to reducing waste, the CRD is looking at ways to cut costs and cut the impact of waste on the environment. But rather than generate policy or a regional campaign that encourages households to reduce waste, the emphasis is on how to collect and process waste efficiently and cost-effectively through contracts with waste collection and disposal vendors.
In May 2021, the CRD Board approved the region’s Solid Waste Management Plan. It was approved by the province in July 2023.
Currently, there are four types of waste management in the CRD: landfill, incineration, recycling and composting. Municipalities across the region differ in their approach to solid waste management service provision for residents. Costs associated with solid waste disposal and diversion programs coordinated by the CRD are funded through utility billing, tipping and user fee revenues at Hartland Landfill, service delivery agreements for stewarded materials, the sale of electricity and the sale of recyclables.
Saanich and Victoria offer integrated waste pick up for single-family homes which is paid for through utility billing. In Victoria, garbage and organic waste is collected from residential properties every two weeks. The Town of Sidney contracts out the collection of its garbage, kitchen organics, and compostable yard and garden waste to Emterra Environmental.
Edited by Victoria Watcher, 03 May 2024 - 03:32 PM.