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#721 Mike K.

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Posted 15 June 2023 - 05:26 AM

So why is Tesla guy rushing head first to make it? He’s always talking about how bad it’ll be, but he’s at its forefront.

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#722 Victoria Watcher

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Posted 15 June 2023 - 05:31 AM

So why is Tesla guy rushing head first to make it? He’s always talking about how bad it’ll be, but he’s at its forefront.


Well, we have to develop it.  Of course China is going to develop it.


Lots of people think there should be regulations, that's all.    

#723 Mike K.

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Posted 15 June 2023 - 05:33 AM

Lots of people think regulations will be too little, too late. Like they are with simple things even.

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#724 Victoria Watcher

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Posted 15 June 2023 - 06:04 AM

Lots of people think regulations will be too little, too late. Like they are with simple things even.


That's human nature for you, unlikely to change.

#725 Mike K.

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Posted 15 June 2023 - 06:17 AM

Yes, isn’t that interesting? Yet on the flip side, we are told change is part of the human condition, so give up your SFD and go ride a bus for several hours a day!

Speaking of change, I think we need someone to come along and shape up the smartphone market. It’s a snore fest now. Is that Tesla satellite phone even real?

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#726 Victoria Watcher

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Posted 15 June 2023 - 06:23 AM

Schools, workplaces, other things we tend to take pride in over others.  Even in elementary school we had somewhat vulgar nicknames for rivals.

#727 Mike K.

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Posted 15 June 2023 - 06:31 AM

See, I always knew VW was an AI bot, with questionable wiring and an AMD CPU.

@But yes, they get the kids from a very young age. Children aren’t supposed to have rivals.
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#728 spanky123

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Posted 15 June 2023 - 07:10 AM

So why is Tesla guy rushing head first to make it? He’s always talking about how bad it’ll be, but he’s at its forefront.


There are two types of companies, those who will benefit from the mass adoption of AI and those who won't / will lose out. Within the group that will benefit there are also two groups, those who are ahead of the adoption curve and those who are behind. I will let you guys guess which groups are for / against AI then. 

#729 dasmo


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Posted 15 June 2023 - 07:13 AM

Good question Mike.
IMO That’s fear based marketing. It’s to diffuse responsibility and justify restrictions on regular folks. It’s not intelligence it’s magic (actually adaptive data wrangling). It requires a user, a prompt. It requires a maker. It is morally inert. It’s an excavator that can drive itself. The tech can be used to help the disabled walk, diagnose illness, let me make a movie in my basement for a few hundred dollars. OR it can be used to make killer drones, on demand fake news, and create an inescapable surveillance state. The later will be attempted regardless of restrictions. Restrictions are for us not them. The only way to fight AI is with AI.
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#730 Mike K.

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Posted 15 June 2023 - 07:41 AM

So the nerds are indeed going to get their revenge.
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#731 dasmo


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Posted 15 June 2023 - 08:00 AM

So the nerds are indeed going to get their revenge.

My wife and I had an idea, we put the idea into chat GPT and asked for an investors pitch. It came back with a pitch that showed us it is actually a great idea. If only we had the time and resources to deploy on it. We got the domain name haha. That instant reflection and test is just one example of how it can be a good thing. The labour of putting together such a pitch has no value in itself really. But we are now in an age where fear is the path to the dark side … fear leads to anger … anger leads to hate … hate leads to suffering. That is for sure. 


The debates should be had but without fear, and vitriol, and division. Otherwise it is only the people making killer drones that will have access to this tech. It is impossible to put the genie back in the bottle. Couldn't do it with streaming music, or movies.... I think good people should adapt it to shape it. 


The writers of Hollywood drivel are going to strike. The good ones will just make their own movies because you wont need $100,000,000 to do so. The real battle is on the distribution front. This is why Musk bought Twitter. The control of distribution is the key now. This is what should be democratised and made open. Not restricting artists and writers from these tools.... 

Edited by dasmo, 15 June 2023 - 08:01 AM.

#732 Matt R.

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Posted 15 June 2023 - 10:52 PM

/\  I love mainframe environments and certain middle tiers that run on them; in a sense that is real computing - no GUI, 1001 operations and keyboard commands that you have to learn and master in order to do anything productive, or even do anything at all.
Practically bulletproof compared to a win OS in terms of crashing or freezing - which is not to say a mainframe doesn't crash, it can in its parlance experience an ABEND (literally an "ABnormal END"); and less susceptible to viruses than Windows, although again not impervious to them - because of the command line interface I find CICS / mainframe computing interesting and challenging on a personal level because it really taxes the grey matter. CICS (acronym for Customer Information Control System) is actually middleware that sits between the z/OS IBM mainframe and your business applications such as financial and other operational business modules..
For the HIBC contract we have access to the BCG TSO/CICS environment in order to work certain customer financial adjustment requests, usually from the ministry. Requires us to go back and forth between CICS and the SAP financial module, which if nothing else mandates that you be sufficiently amped up on several cups of coffee in advance. Merely creating and staging such an adjustment file in CICS takes at a minimum an hour, sometimes two depending on the complexity of the request and how much information we need to physically gather and stage in the file.

Cd /etc
Get passwd

Wash rinse repeat

#733 AllseeingEye



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Posted 16 June 2023 - 08:29 AM

Cd /etc
Get passwd

Wash rinse repeat


Not sure what that is Matt - DOS? Cuz its certainly not CICS :)

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#734 lanforod

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Posted 16 June 2023 - 09:24 AM

/etc/passwd only contains an list of user accounts, not passwords.

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#735 Matt R.

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Posted 16 June 2023 - 11:58 AM

That’s more recent. Used to hold passwords as well.

#736 Matt R.

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Posted 16 June 2023 - 12:02 PM

Not sure what that is Matt - DOS? Cuz its certainly not CICS :)

Oh whatever Unix flavour Uvic used back in the day.

#737 lanforod

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Posted 16 June 2023 - 12:33 PM

Jeepers. you're talking about the 80's! But i'm sure thats newer than ASE's punchcard programs ;).

#738 Matt R.

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Posted 16 June 2023 - 01:42 PM

Oh late 80’ into early 90’s. I’d throw a dictionary file at that and have half a dozen accounts by the time I woke up for school. Nothing nefarious, just wanted to avoid long distance charges. Later on we splurged for a Datapac account. Lol!
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#739 AllseeingEye



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Posted 16 June 2023 - 01:45 PM

Jeepers. you're talking about the 80's! But i'm sure thats newer than ASE's punchcard programs ;).


Not mine, the ministry's: access is granted after all to the BCG mainframe, which is currently (as of 2011) managed by EDS Advanced Solutions. EAS also has responsibility to manage all the midrange Windows, UNIX and Open VMS platforms as well.


When Fujitsu had a much larger presence locally before "Canada" was subsumed by Tokyo and rolled into Fujtsu Americas, those guys made a living literally for decades supporting Education, Health and other BCG customers primarily on DB2, CICS all performing transaction management and connectivity operations under the z/OS.


In fact Fujitsu resources in Victoria still support the Education ministry's CAS (Corporate Accounting System) contract on those platforms insofar as I am aware. CICS BTW was initially introduced in 1969.... :)

#740 Victoria Watcher

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Posted 20 June 2023 - 08:00 AM

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