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Shopping Malls in Victoria and beyond

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Poll: Best mall in Greater Victoria (40 member(s) have cast votes)

Best mall in Greater Victoria

  1. Westshore Town Centre (Can West Mall) (6 votes [6.59%])

    Percentage of vote: 6.59%

  2. Hillside Centre (23 votes [25.27%])

    Percentage of vote: 25.27%

  3. Mayfair Shopping Centre (33 votes [36.26%])

    Percentage of vote: 36.26%

  4. Bay Centre (Downtown) (26 votes [28.57%])

    Percentage of vote: 28.57%

  5. Tillicum Centre (2 votes [2.20%])

    Percentage of vote: 2.20%

  6. University Heights Shopping Centre (1 votes [1.10%])

    Percentage of vote: 1.10%

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#1 Holden West

Holden West

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Posted 30 July 2009 - 11:28 PM

Which mall is the kick-assinest. Only primarily-indoor malls qualify for consideration. Plazas, strip-malls, big box stores, mini-malls, industrial parks, hippie kiosks and other non-mall shopping experiences will be disregarded.

Superlative Vancouver shopping malls may be discussed.
"Beaver, ahoy!""The bridge is like a magnet, attracting both pedestrians and over 30,000 vehicles daily who enjoy the views of Victoria's harbour. The skyline may change, but "Big Blue" as some call it, will always be there."
-City of Victoria website, 2009

#2 martini

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Posted 30 July 2009 - 11:45 PM

Which mall is the kick-assinest. Only primarily-indoor malls qualify for consideration. Plazas, stripmalls, big box stores, hippie kiosks and other non-mall shopping experiences will be disregarded.

Well I'm not a consumer whore but if I was I'd say Mayfair. :cool:

#3 Caramia

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Posted 31 July 2009 - 12:12 AM

I picked Tillicum because of Silver City. To be quite honest, I get the worst cases of mall head. In Christmas season, crushed between shoppers, I've had to learn to overcome a kind of homicidal anxiety caused by feeling trapped in a mall. Truly terrifying.

I don't mind going into the Bay Centre as much but I hate it on principal because I liked the buildings and spaces that were destroyed to make it so. So I couldn't vote for it.
Nowadays most people die of a sort of creeping common sense, and discover when it is too late that the only things one never regrets are one's mistakes.
Oscar Wilde (1854 - 1900), The Picture of Dorian Gray, 1891

#4 Holden West

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Posted 31 July 2009 - 12:18 AM

Hillside gets points for Sears. Not high-end but they make up for it in the sheer range of items sold. They lose points for Zellers. I was in a Zellers a few months ago for the first time in years and I almost killed myself afterward because the place sucked out of me all the remaining joy I had in life. I swear the meager staff must have been prisoners doing community work.

The planned improvements should boost Hillside.
"Beaver, ahoy!""The bridge is like a magnet, attracting both pedestrians and over 30,000 vehicles daily who enjoy the views of Victoria's harbour. The skyline may change, but "Big Blue" as some call it, will always be there."
-City of Victoria website, 2009

#5 Savannah

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Posted 31 July 2009 - 05:44 AM

I picked Hillside for sentimental reasons (first mall I used to go to upon coming to Victoria as a student) and for Bolen Books.

I am Bolen Books' *****. Although, memo to Bolen: stock more books, and far less other stuff. I know people don't seem to read as much as they used to, but I go to a bookstore for books, not calendars, toys, and body lotion.

Also, Hillside has a Thrifty's (again? Didn't there used to be a grocery store at Hillside before 'my time'?).

And what is up with Zeller's? Every time I've gone there for exciting stuff like bras or towels, in an effort not to go to a Wal-Mart, it's been almost deserted. More so for the Zeller's at Tillicum, but also Hillside.

Thumbs down to that Apple Tree restaurant at Hillside, though. My husband's relatives love that place. It terrifies me.

#6 Savannah

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Posted 31 July 2009 - 05:46 AM

I get the worst cases of mall head. In Christmas season, crushed between shoppers, I've had to learn to overcome a kind of homicidal anxiety caused by feeling trapped in a mall. Truly terrifying.

Ditto. I'm not a huge mall person at the best of times, but malls during the Christmas season are hellish. I try to do a lot of shopping at the Museum gift shop instead. Sure, it's expensive, but it's far, far less crowded.

#7 Bob Fugger

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Posted 31 July 2009 - 07:29 AM

I can almost guarantee that University Heights will not get a single vote. Worst. Mall. Ever. The two brothers from Hong Kong that own it do not give a flying fornicate about the place, and even less about being a community partner.

#8 D.L.

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Posted 31 July 2009 - 07:53 AM

Hillside mall has a pleasant food court. The brick, wood beams and natural lighting make it fairly nice. Not that I recommend actually eating from any of the food establishments there though!

btw, why is this thread in the Economy section and not in the Retail section?

#9 Holden West

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Posted 31 July 2009 - 08:50 AM

I picked Tillicum because of Silver City.

Also for the rec centre and library, although they're separated by a wide parking lot so there's a bit of disconnect that mars what could have been a pleasant pseudo-village experience.

I can almost guarantee that University Heights will not get a single vote. Worst. Mall. Ever. The two brothers from Hong Kong that own it do not give a flying fornicate about the place, and even less about being a community partner.

I will have to check this out. Sounds dreadful.

Also, Hillside has a Thrifty's (again? Didn't there used to be a grocery store at Hillside before 'my time'?).

Hillside used to have a Safeway which was taken out in the 80s and replaced with a big-barn-type market of independent stalls which lasted a few years before being replaced by the food court. Thrifty is in the space formerly occupied by Beaver Lumber. There was a big fitness club at that far end but I think it must have been demolished at some point.

btw, why is this thread in the Economy section and not in the Retail section?

My mistake. Please move.
"Beaver, ahoy!""The bridge is like a magnet, attracting both pedestrians and over 30,000 vehicles daily who enjoy the views of Victoria's harbour. The skyline may change, but "Big Blue" as some call it, will always be there."
-City of Victoria website, 2009

#10 VicDuck



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Posted 31 July 2009 - 10:23 AM

Hillside: Zellers, food court, Thrifty's, HMV and EB games.

#11 AllseeingEye



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Posted 31 July 2009 - 10:42 AM

If we're strictly speaking locally I suppose I'd vote for Hillside, and then Tillicum for the variety of services (Mayfair and d/t Bay Centre don't have "groceries" as an option).

However no Victoria mall IMO can hold a candle to Park Royal, Oakridge or Pacific Center in Vancouver. Park Royal especially has anything/everything including that 'town center' development, high end wine shops and restaurants, as well as various food/grocery options. Seven Oaks in Abbotsford also handily beats anything here, again IMO.

#12 Holden West

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Posted 31 July 2009 - 10:49 AM

Mayfair used to have Victoria`s finest food store in the Woodwards Food Floor. But Mayfair`s lack of a supermarket is a liability IMO. If the Superstore next door is ever built it will change things although it won`t officially be part of Mayfair.
"Beaver, ahoy!""The bridge is like a magnet, attracting both pedestrians and over 30,000 vehicles daily who enjoy the views of Victoria's harbour. The skyline may change, but "Big Blue" as some call it, will always be there."
-City of Victoria website, 2009

#13 gumgum

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Posted 31 July 2009 - 11:31 AM

Hillside's winning over the Bay center? No way man!

#14 Holden West

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Posted 31 July 2009 - 11:50 AM

Bay Centre loses points for the failed fourth floor that was supposed to be a circular promenade of boutique retailers so now the food court is orphaned, instead of being the focal point as it is in other malls. On the plus side, it has a major respected anchor in The Bay. It was even more full-service when Marks & Spencer department store was in the main floor and basement--they even had a small supermarket for you crazy people that like mushy peas.
"Beaver, ahoy!""The bridge is like a magnet, attracting both pedestrians and over 30,000 vehicles daily who enjoy the views of Victoria's harbour. The skyline may change, but "Big Blue" as some call it, will always be there."
-City of Victoria website, 2009

#15 gumgum

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Posted 31 July 2009 - 11:54 AM

At least the bay center has a fourth floor, and a third, and a second.

#16 victorian fan

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Posted 31 July 2009 - 12:17 PM

The Bay Centre is a vertical mall.

#17 Holden West

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Posted 31 July 2009 - 12:24 PM

The Bay Centre is a vertical mall.

Which is a good use of space so I will give them that. The Julius Caesar-Colonial Outpost theme is weird but kitschy in a good way.
"Beaver, ahoy!""The bridge is like a magnet, attracting both pedestrians and over 30,000 vehicles daily who enjoy the views of Victoria's harbour. The skyline may change, but "Big Blue" as some call it, will always be there."
-City of Victoria website, 2009

#18 VicHockeyFan

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Posted 31 July 2009 - 12:27 PM

I let Hillside beat out Mayfair for three reasons, you can cheat by (almost, but technically NOT cheating) by always parking in the loading zone right in front of Bolen Books and run in for an quick item, you can park up on the roof and enter Sears easy, and finally, it has a food store.

If that back long hallway service entrance to Mayfair still works (north side), then that's a good parking "cheat" still, too.

#19 aastra

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Posted 31 July 2009 - 12:47 PM

Did somebody say Oakridge? Why?

#20 AllseeingEye



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Posted 31 July 2009 - 01:45 PM

Read Holden's initial post and you'll see why "Oakridge" gets a mention. Turn this around - name me a single Victoria mall that could beat Oakridge. And why?

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