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University of Victoria (UVic) news and issues

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#1 VicHockeyFan

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Posted 25 March 2010 - 01:17 AM

Ah, yes. UVic.

This is the place where it has taken them 15 years or something to try to evict a tenant. Several years to do nothing about rabbits (at over $300 per rabbit). And now we read they have had some type of plan for gardens since 2003, but haven't got around to implementing it.

Budding gardeners spring into action at UVic

Diggers, pointing to years of talks and long wait list, surprise officials

By Joanne Hatherly, Times Colonist
March 25, 2010 1:11 AM

Officials at the University of Victoria were left scratching their heads yesterday after students dug up the lawn in front of the McPherson Library to plant raised vegetable beds and native gardens


#2 D.L.

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Posted 25 March 2010 - 02:48 AM

Hey man what a coincidence! I just came back from sprinkling wildflower seeds on neglected landscaped areas in my neighbourhood.

#3 AnonAnnie2

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Posted 25 March 2010 - 06:00 AM

Hey man what a coincidence! I just came back from sprinkling wildflower seeds on neglected landscaped areas in my neighbourhood.

I can see the headlines now Dylan! Leblanc - un-semmingly beyond control with wildflower seeds.
You radical! ;)

(next time call me, I'll even bring my own seeds)

#4 davek

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Posted 25 March 2010 - 10:48 AM

A guerilla gardener...

#5 VicHockeyFan

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Posted 27 March 2010 - 02:05 AM

A guerilla gardener...

Garden protest at UVic heats up

By Joanne Hatherly, Times Colonist
March 27, 2010 1:19 AM

A dispute over garden space at the University of Victoria escalated into one student being arrested when he blocked the crew repairing the damaged lawn, followed by a lockdown at the administrative building.

Students armed with shovels and planks had dug up the lawn in front of the McPherson Library Wednesday and planted 10 garden beds. They said they were protesting slow-moving bureaucracy at UVic that has failed to provide adequate community-garden space.


I wonder if students don't have another way to achieve this. Can't they just vote themselves more mandatory student fees, and buy some gardens?

#6 UrbanRail

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Posted 28 March 2010 - 09:28 AM

It isn't the rabbits fault, its the moronic owners who drop off their pets, because they are too irresponsible to take care of them.

#7 victorian fan

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Posted 05 May 2010 - 12:19 PM

Rabbit cull needed to control animals' population, UVic says
By Kyle Slavin - Saanich News May 05, 2010 11:33 AM

In all likelihood we're going to recommend reducing the population through a cull (in June)

#8 spanky123

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Posted 05 May 2010 - 12:54 PM

This is what happens when you have an unlimited supply of other people's money to spend.

No accountability.

#9 VicHockeyFan

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Posted 05 May 2010 - 01:30 PM

"What the management plan will identify is areas of campus designated as rabbit free zones, and areas designated as rabbit control zones. In those rabbit control zones, we'll manage a sustainable number of rabbits. In the rabbit free zones, we'll manage no rabbits."

What is the difference between killing 100, 500, or 1200 rabbits? UVic is aware that in this world, millions of animals are killed every day, right? Just get it done. What good service do you do to the future offspring of the control-zone rabbits?

#10 victorian fan

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Posted 05 May 2010 - 02:10 PM

Kill the wabbit

#11 yodsaker

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Posted 05 May 2010 - 02:42 PM

Nuke the hares!

#12 sebberry


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Posted 05 May 2010 - 03:48 PM

Rabbit cull needed to control animals' population, UVic says
By Kyle Slavin - Saanich News May 05, 2010 11:33 AM

Interesting comments posted in response to that article.

Personally I don't support a kill.. er.. cull.:(

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#13 sebberry


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Posted 05 May 2010 - 03:59 PM

August 26, 2010:

UVic rabits play dead to avoid mass kill:

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#14 D.L.

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Posted 05 May 2010 - 04:31 PM

What's the natural predator of these rabbits? Why not let one loose on university grounds?


It would also help by giving the rabbits excerise, and teaching students something about the real world.

#15 aastra

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Posted 05 May 2010 - 05:20 PM

Since rabbits and hares aren't native to Vancouver Island, maybe we should also import a predator that isn't native. A few hundred King Cobras, for example.

#16 aastra

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Posted 05 May 2010 - 05:32 PM

"UVic has made an attempt to, and can still work towards, a managed colony. And they have acknowledged rabbits will always have a place at UVic," Dubois said. "But it's unfortunate that it's gotten to this point."

Remind me, why should rabbits "always have a place at UVic"?

They didn't have a place before they were introduced. Why should they always have a place from this point forward?

Something tells me we wouldn't be acting this way if we were talking about introduced whip scorpions or alligators or ostriches or whatever else.

#17 Baro

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Posted 05 May 2010 - 06:33 PM

The rabbits are cute and loved by most everyone at the university. Of course less pleasant animals wouldn't be as well liked. They'll always have a place at the university just as our distinctive lamp posts will always have a place downtown, or tree lined streets will always be seen in fairfield, or gravel in oak bay. It's just beloved decoration. It's not rocket science to figure out people enjoy nice looking/pleasant things in their environment. The bunnies have helped many of my stressed uvic friends get through the day. Although the bunnies do seem to have diminishing returns in regard to their numbers. Keep them in check, but keep them. I don't think "total extermination" was ever on the table.
"beats greezy have baked donut-dough"

#18 jklymak

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Posted 05 May 2010 - 07:49 PM

Since rabbits and hares aren't native to Vancouver Island, maybe we should also import a predator that isn't native. A few hundred King Cobras, for example.

I think there are some predators; there was a nice eagles nest last year in the Stadium lights. The reason the don't flock to the feast is that the predators are shy of people. Bunnies that hang out in the open, well traveled areas, are pretty safe.

#19 gumgum

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Posted 05 May 2010 - 07:49 PM

I don't see why some of them shouldn't be food for the poor.

#20 VicHockeyFan

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Posted 05 May 2010 - 08:18 PM

I don't see why some of them shouldn't be food for the poor.

Because even if we kill them it will be politically incorrect to then eat them, they will have to be burned or buried or something. Christ, we even bury whales these days.

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