So anyone read this article which in my opinion is insane:
Heritage streets, not just homes, need protection
By Vivian Moreau - Saanich News
Published: April 08, 2010 3:00 PM
Updated: April 08, 2010 3:31 PM
One heritage home a week is being lost in Greater Victoria, says the head of the Hallmark Society.
Nick Russell, president of the group dedicated to preserving historic homes in Greater Victoria, said developers are snapping up large properties with small houses on them, demolishing the houses and putting up new homes that don't fit with the neighbourhoods.
I challenge Nick Russell to list the 52 heritage homes that were torn down last year. It just did not happen.
Also what is completely missed by this article is that every street in Victoria is already made up of houses from different times or ones that have been adapted over the years. That is one of the things that makes cities great.
Heritage streets could be the worst idea I have heard in a long time.