Greetings. I'm Darlene Tait (darlenet8 to you thanks) and will be the voice of Spirit Bay on this forum. I am handling the Marketing and Communications for Spirit Bay and have been involved with numerous other large-scale, sustainable projects here and internationally for the last couple of decades (older for sure, wiser I hope).
We have launched our sales program - the web launched in a very preliminary fashion a couple of weeks ago and phase 2 should launch in the next day or so. I will pop in here from time to time to see if I can answer questions or shed any light on issues. In the meantime feel free to reach me directly at
Looking forward to the questions/discussions.
A few questions:
1- Since Native lands are not under the jurisdiction of Canadian Provincial Law, the Bank loans ( mortgage ), are not protected as on a fee simple title on Crown Land ( Canadian territory ). Consequently, do you know of any Canadian Bank willing to loan money for property purchase on Native land ? ( Especially on a lease grant.)
2 - The lands to be occupied by this high density project, are today, covered by a beautiful forest. Is a clear cut, part of the developer's
sustainability philosophy ?
3 - How will the sewage system be constructed for such an high density "town"?
4- Will the Municipality of Metchosin allow for the connection of Hydro and water or will the project use wind turbines, sun energy and desalinization units?
Thanks for your attention.