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Crystal Pool and Wellness Centre
Use: commercial
Address: 2275 Quadra Street
Municipality: Victoria
Region: Urban core
Storeys: 2
The City of Victoria is exploring the option of replacing the aging Crystal Pool Fitness Centre with a modern ... (view full profile)
Learn more about Crystal Pool and Wellness Centre on Citified.ca

Crystal Pool and Wellness Centre project

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#41 G-Man


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Posted 07 March 2010 - 09:05 PM

I would be happy to have my tax dollars support the YMCA the moment that they take the C out of their name.

#42 gumgum

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Posted 07 March 2010 - 09:45 PM

The name is so irrelevant today that I bet most members don't even know what it stands for.

They should change the name altogether.

#43 VicHockeyFan

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Posted 08 March 2010 - 07:22 AM

I would be happy to have my tax dollars support the YMCA the moment that they take the C out of their name.

I don't understand, what is it about it being formed by Christians offends you?

Do you think we should pull the tax exemptions and charitable status enjoyed by churches, synagogues and mosques?

#44 G-Man


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Posted 08 March 2010 - 07:22 AM

Perhaps in Canada but globally they are still activist in some areas. So a name change and separation from the larger entity would be great.

#45 VicHockeyFan

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Posted 08 March 2010 - 07:25 AM

Perhaps in Canada but globally they are still activist in some areas. So a name change and separation from the larger entity would be great.

Again, why? What about it being formed by Christians makes it unworthy of your tax dollars in your opinion?

#46 G-Man


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Posted 08 March 2010 - 09:15 AM

I have nothing against tax exemptions for religious organizations but do not want to put my recreation tax dollars towards the expansion of a facility owned by a christian organization at the expense of my public facility.

How about the Y close and give some money to the city and we will let Y members use the public facility.

#47 aastra

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Posted 08 March 2010 - 09:27 AM

If only the Young Men's Satanist Association had been a hit, we wouldn't even be having this discussion.

#48 Coreyburger

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Posted 08 March 2010 - 09:35 AM

The Canadian YM/WCA is extremely non-religious, much like the Canadian Salvation Army or Boy Scouts/Scouting. The US versions of those same three organizations are very different kettles of fish. As an non-Christian, I really don't have any problem with taxpayer money going to any of those three organizations.

For that matter, Our Place is explicitly run by a church org. Rev. Al is united and Rev. Dave (now retired) was Anglican I believe. Yet, they received public money for the building and running of their new facility. And aside from a service on Sundays, they don't have a religious agenda beyond the ancient Christian one of charity.

#49 Baro

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Posted 08 March 2010 - 09:41 AM

As long as the organization agrees to run as if they were a public facility (ie can't hide behind the religious card for being a hate group) I'd be fine with it. I really don't see the canadian ymca not hiring gays or making abortion grounds for immediate termination like some religiously run orgs do, it's not a big worry for me and I've always thought the Y runs a very tight ship, given that their current "ship" is a rotting old barge.
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#50 Bingo

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Posted 08 March 2010 - 07:01 PM

At one time (1950's) the YMCA was at the corner of View and Blanshard where Capital 6 is, and the YWCA was further along Blanshard about where the Library is. The YMCA pool must have been about 50 feet long, if that.

#51 gumgum

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Posted 08 March 2010 - 07:56 PM

Someone close to me is a member of the Y board and the subject of religion NEVER comes up during meetings. This person isn't even Christian.
There is no relevancy between the Y and religion.

The Y is affiliated to religion as Tim Horton's is to hockey.

#52 G-Man


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Posted 08 March 2010 - 08:31 PM

Challenge 21
In 1997, at the 14th World Council of YMCAs, the World Alliance of YMCAs adopted Challenge 21 as its modern-day statement of mission for the 21st century:
Affirming the Paris Basis adopted in 1855, as the ongoing foundation statement of the mission of the YMCA, at the threshold of the third millennium, we declare that the YMCA is a world-wide Christian, ecumenical, voluntary movement for women and men with special emphasis on and the genuine involvement of young people and that it seeks to share the Christian ideal of building a human community of justice with love, peace and reconciliation for the fullness of life for all creation.
Each member YMCA is therefore called to focus on certain challenges which will be prioritized according to its own context. These challenges which are an evolution of the Kampala Principles
Sharing the good news of Jesus Christ and striving for spiritual, intellectual and physical well-being of individuals and wholeness of communities.
Empowering all, especially young people and women to take increased responsibilities and assume leadership at all levels and working towards an equitable society.
Advocating for and promoting the rights of women and upholding the rights of children.
Fostering dialogue and partnership between people of different faiths and ideologies and recognizing the cultural identities of people and promoting cultural renewal.
Committing to work in solidarity with the poor, dispossessed, uprooted people and oppressed racial, religious and ethnic minorities.
Seeking to be mediators and reconcilers in situations of conflict and working for meaningful participation and advancement of people for their own self-determination.
Defending God’s creation against all that would destroy it and preserving and protecting the earth’s resources for coming generations. To face these challenges, the YMCA will develop patterns of co-operation at all levels that enable self-sustenance and self-determination.


#53 gumgum

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Posted 08 March 2010 - 09:11 PM

Not sure what your point is G-Man. Firsthand accounts of the inner workings of how the Y is run in Victoria is far more reliable to me that an excerpt in Wilipedia.
Not to mention the fact that myself and my whole family have been members for years and have never heard or read the word god once.

#54 Sparky



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Posted 08 March 2010 - 09:16 PM

"Defending God’s creation against all that would destroy it"

I personally have reservations with this part of their mission statement.

#55 gumgum

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Posted 08 March 2010 - 09:58 PM

I'm coming from the perspective of someone that has been through the a Roman Catholic school system (elementary and high school). What I was put through as a child has sent me beyond jaded as far as what organized religion can do to a person.
I will not go as far as attack organized religion itself. All I can say (and please excuse some self indulgent story telling here) the experience that I had was less than positive. I endured ridicule and witnessed countless abuses to fellow children by so-called Christians - many of whom were priests and nuns. When I got out of high school, I couldn't run far enough away from the catholic system. It didn't and still doesn't matter what denomination. My rant is not meant to point fingers at the atrocities of Catholic faith or any other organized faith. I'm pointing out my own negative bias (right or wrong) against organized religion.
My kid is involved in the programs at the Y and if it had anything to do with Christianity I would have pulled her out ages ago.
Maybe other Ys focus on this god stuff, but I don't know about that. I just know that this one doesn't.

Anyway, this is getting way off topic...

#56 Sparky



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Posted 09 March 2010 - 07:02 AM

Thanks gumgum, that does give me some perspective. I think the Y has helped a lot of people, and I have not had enough experience to know a lot about their mandate. It was the written word that caught my attention.

My brother went to the Y on Saturdays. He had to swim in the nude. That was the rule.
I always felt there was something odd about that.

#57 pseudotsuga

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Posted 09 March 2010 - 07:23 AM

I'd prefer to see a new facility at existing crystal pool site. (would be nice if the new arena had included a pool, other rec, and gym facilities...)
But if the Quadra site was removed and replaced by a beautiful new downtown facility run by whomever, that would be great too. It is only a few more blocks away.

#58 Ms. B. Havin

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Posted 09 March 2010 - 10:08 PM

My brother went to the Y on Saturdays. He had to swim in the nude. That was the rule.
I always felt there was something odd about that.

Are you serious? Where was this?

(Maybe I should ask, when was this? 14th century? Ancient Greece? Weirdest thing I've heard all day...!)

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#59 jklymak

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Posted 09 March 2010 - 10:12 PM

Its too bad the Crystal Pool is having maintenance problems. I had friends up from Seattle w/ 3 little kids and they raved about how awesome it was...

#60 Holden West

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Posted 09 March 2010 - 10:54 PM

My brother went to the Y on Saturdays. He had to swim in the nude. That was the rule.
I always felt there was something odd about that

Are you serious? Where was this?

(Maybe I should ask, when was this? 14th century? Ancient Greece? Weirdest thing I've heard all day...!)

This is totally true. It was standard practice in parts of North America in many high school, YMCA and other public pools until a few decades ago. I think there may be some pools that still do it. Mr. Rogers (yes, from Mr. Rogers neighborhood) was a devotee of nude swimming. He belonged to an athletic club in Pittsburgh that still had nude sessions.

See, nylon swimwear is a relatively recent invention. Before that, people wore wool suits which dried slowly and were thought unsanitary. Plus, the wool fibres clogged the filters.

Decades ago, it was thought fairly natural to see people of the same gender swimming nude.
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