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Addiction and mental illness in Victoria

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#3241 dasmo


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Posted 27 November 2023 - 08:15 AM

Is that like dial a bottle for “safe supply?”

#3242 Love the rock

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Posted 27 November 2023 - 09:17 PM

So let me get this straight. Having police officers in schools is traumatic to children. Watching a Santa Clause parade inhaling the air around people openly smoking drugs ,booing  at floats before passing out on the curb isn’t traumatic . Little kids excited to see Santa.

Edited by Love the rock, 27 November 2023 - 09:18 PM.

#3243 Victoria Watcher

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Posted 28 November 2023 - 03:28 AM


#3244 Mike K.

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Posted 30 November 2023 - 11:50 AM

189 overdose deaths in October.

Jennifer Whiteside, Minister of Mental Health and Addictions, has released the following statement regarding the BC Coroners Service report on illicit drug toxicity deaths in October:

“As we face the sombre reality presented in the latest BC Coroners Service report, our hearts go out to the families and friends mourning the loss of 189 individuals in October to the poisoned drug supply. Each of these lives was an integral part of the fabric of our province and our communities, and their absence leaves a void that cannot be filled.

“More than 13,200 people have died because of poisoned drugs since the crisis was declared in 2016. We recognize the depth of grief these numbers represent, far beyond what any statistics can convey. Nothing will ever replace these people in the hearts of those who love them. Our government continues to work urgently to provide access to effective and compassionate care.

“One way we are strengthening access is with innovative treatment models like Road to Recovery. Situated in Vancouver’s St. Paul’s Hospital, the model provides rapid access to the full continuum of care options. It ensures that people receive integrated care every step of the way from the same team, which is crucial for providing help exactly when it’s needed, without any delays. This approach is transforming addiction care by bringing together services from the addictions clinic to housing and recovery supports, all in one place. As this model expands, we will be continuing to add supports for people living with addiction and substance-use challenges with more options for treatment and recovery services.

“We hold close the memory of those we have lost as we continue to build and improve the systems of support in our province. Our goal is clear: to give the care and support needed to stop these losses from happening again and to help our communities heal. We will continue to make real changes that will help save lives and connect people to the care they need.”

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#3245 Nparker

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Posted 30 November 2023 - 11:53 AM

189 overdose deaths in October...

It's nothing that more drugs won't solve.

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#3246 Victoria Watcher

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Posted 30 November 2023 - 11:13 PM

Overdoses the leading cause of death in B.C. for those aged for 10 to 59: coroner


British Columbia's coroner says the toxic and unregulated drug supply has claimed more than 2,000 lives in the province in the first ten months of this year.
It is also the 37th consecutive month where at least 150 people died from illicit overdoses.

The service says more than 13,300 people have died because of poisoned drugs since the crisis was declared in April 2016.










So why are the same people still in charge?  Where are the positive results of their work?

Edited by Victoria Watcher, 30 November 2023 - 11:14 PM.

#3247 Nparker

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Posted 30 November 2023 - 11:15 PM

They are dying as a result of addiction, not from poisoned drugs.
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#3248 max.bravo

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Posted 30 November 2023 - 11:23 PM

The woke ideology is a death cult at its most basic level.

Look at the climate crazies (“overpopulation”), abortion, enabling addictions& overdose, upending traditional gender roles, upending genders!, notice we now have the worst mental health in human history, MAID, inflation & financial collapse… it’s no coincidence these are all coming from the woke far left.

These people essentially hate humanity. For all the talk about human rights and human dignity, it’s a nihilistic death cult.

Even if their intentions are good, the results are death.
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#3249 max.bravo

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Posted 30 November 2023 - 11:37 PM

They are dying as a result of addiction, not from poisoned drugs.

These pressers always fail to mention the most important fact..

“No matter how much free hydromorphone we give them, some people still seek out illicit fentanyl because it gets them higher. They know the risks, they do it anyway. They pay more for fentanyl. The Drug dealers charge more for it.

“Very few of these 13,200 deaths were innocent victims who were caught off guard by “poisoned” drugs — most of them sought out the “poison” on purpose.

Let’s make that inconvenient truth public knowledge so we can have a real discussion about how to deal with this problem. We do no favours by insinuating innocent victims died from poisoned drugs.
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#3250 Victoria Watcher

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Posted 01 December 2023 - 12:32 AM






That works out to just under 25 per day (fire department call-out for overdoses).  And that is just Vancouver, right?  What are the numbers for the entire province?


2021 numbers:


Every day in B.C. close to 100 people overdose, requiring a 9-1-1 medical emergency call and paramedics to respond, and often, to bring them back to life.





Edited by Victoria Watcher, 01 December 2023 - 12:37 AM.

#3251 LJ

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Posted 01 December 2023 - 06:38 AM

Every day in B.C. close to 100 people overdose, requiring a 9-1-1 medical emergency call and paramedics to respond, and often, to bring them back to life.


Why? Stop responding and the problem will rectify itself.

Life's a journey......so roll down the window and enjoy the breeze.

#3252 Mike K.

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Posted 01 December 2023 - 07:36 AM

The woke ideology is a death cult at its most basic level.

Look at the climate crazies (“overpopulation”), abortion, enabling addictions& overdose, upending traditional gender roles, upending genders!, notice we now have the worst mental health in human history, MAID, inflation & financial collapse… it’s no coincidence these are all coming from the woke far left.

These people essentially hate humanity. For all the talk about human rights and human dignity, it’s a nihilistic death cult.

Even if their intentions are good, the results are death.

Now add to that the push from Hollywood and the entertainment industry to promote satanic content at a level we have never seen before.

Open up Netflix and take a look around.

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#3253 Beacon

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Posted 01 December 2023 - 08:15 AM

Now add to that the push from Hollywood and the entertainment industry to promote satanic content at a level we have never seen before.

Open up Netflix and take a look around.


What is your definition of satanic content?  I mean I don't notice much different lately  :confused:

#3254 Mike K.

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Posted 01 December 2023 - 08:23 AM

Nihilistic themed movies and shows, literal devil-themed content, a big focus on murder, violence, crime, and extreme gore in series and movies, anti-religious sentiments, and on it goes.


Consider the remake of Sabrina, it's straight up celebration of satanism, not even hiding, but embracing it.

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#3255 max.bravo

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Posted 01 December 2023 - 08:24 AM

Netflix has a search code dedicated to satanic stories. Weird. https://www.netflix-codes.com/

#3256 lanforod

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Posted 01 December 2023 - 08:30 AM

Netflix promotes content that people want to watch.


Mike's hyperbole knows no bounds ;).

#3257 max.bravo

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Posted 01 December 2023 - 08:35 AM

Mike is 💯 correct. And so are you. The content represents the zeitgeist of our (end) times.

#3258 Mike K.

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Posted 01 December 2023 - 08:35 AM

You're not in control of what they create, you just tune in it.


Have an open mind, it's all I'm saying. Know what your kids are potentially watching. Someone wants to get something across to them, and parents should know what that is.

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#3259 Beacon

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Posted 01 December 2023 - 09:06 AM

You're not in control of what they create, you just tune in it.


Have an open mind, it's all I'm saying. Know what your kids are potentially watching. Someone wants to get something across to them, and parents should know what that is.


maybe they just want to sell more movie tickets and have more viewers so they don't get cancelled next season???

#3260 JimV

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Posted 01 December 2023 - 08:13 PM

Selling tickets doesn’t seem like a priority anymore.  Promoting the narrative is what matters.  Witness Disney’s long series of woke flops.  

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