Almost everywhere in Fairfield and ESQ and Fernwood and Northpark.
If you really want to increase density in Greater Victoria then you must shift the mission's focus away from the central neighbourhoods. The central neighbourhoods are the ONLY areas that have ever done anything right in this regard, what with James Bay and Fairfield being the densest areas of Greater Victoria, and the central neighbourhoods & Esquimalt together accounting for the vast majority of Greater Vic's apartment buildings. Expecting a few square km of the city proper to bear the entire CMA's burden re: density is just as illogical as expecting a few square km of the city proper to bear the entire CMA's burden re: street issues, homelessness, and the related services. Widen the perspective.
There should be more medium- and high- (and even higher) density developments in the particularly underdeveloped areas of north downtown & along upper Douglas right through to Uptown, at Tillicum, and at UVic & University Heights. Maybe Royal Oak, too. And the nearer low-density Saanich neighbourhoods should be specifically targeted (not excepted) in order to get them more in line with the denser format in the city proper. This is what it will take to make our bike, bus, and mass transit visions more viable.
Are we talking about this stuff in every thread now?