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2900 Tillicum Road / 300 Gorge Road West
Uses: condo, commercial
Address: 300 Gorge Road West
Municipality: Saanich
Region: Urban core
Storeys: 5
Condo units: (1BR, 2BR, 3BR)
Sales status: in planning
2900 Tillicum Road / 300 Gorge Road West is a proposal to build a five-storey mixed-use condominium and retail... (view full profile)
Learn more about 2900 Tillicum Road / 300 Gorge Road West on Citified.ca

[Saanich] 2900 Tillicum Road / 300 Gorge Road West | Condos; retail | 5-storeys

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#21 Nparker

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Posted 02 November 2018 - 09:38 AM

...This is a major intersection and therefore, requires careful attention to the pedestrian environment."

Except there doesn't seem to be many pedestrians in the area currently.




Perhaps this will be mitigated with more residential units in the area.

#22 nagel

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Posted 02 November 2018 - 09:43 AM

Urban intersection with 3 slip lanes and long wait times.  No wonder why there isn't more pedestrian traffic here.


There is a ton of pedestrian traffic on the waterway, and a good amount in the Gorge/Tillicum/Harriet/Burnside area.  Certainly the distances involved are very walkable, but these arterials are very harsh roads for walking.

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#23 Nparker

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Posted 02 November 2018 - 09:51 AM

...these arterials are very harsh roads for walking.

You'd think that with green space on two corners it might encourage more pedestrians, but there is a lack of welcoming entrances to the park land, especially on the SE corner.

#24 nagel

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Posted 02 November 2018 - 09:59 AM

You'd think that with green space on two corners it might encourage more pedestrians, but there is a lack of welcoming entrances to the park land, especially on the SE corner.

In all 4 directions from that intersection, there is a hostile walking environment.  The bridge over the Gorge is a joke for walking and biking and is a serious impediment to connecting Saanich and Esquimalt by safe bike route.  The 1.5m sidewalks on Tillicum in either direction, right next to a 4 lane speed circuit, are very uncomfortable for walking, and actually are even worse in Esquimalt where they might actually be unusable for wheelchairs due to the steep dips at driveways. 


To the east, someone was recently killed on the sidewalk, and to the west, there is some escape if you take the trail, but the actual sidewalks are again quite narrow, and the buffer provided by the bike lane doesn't begin until further to the west.  This is not somewhere I would walk with my kids, which is too bad as I have nieces a few blocks from there.  Long term, there would be both an improved intersection here as well as an expansion of the Gorge trail to the east, along the water.  There is a bit of trail there but I think it should be more seawall sized.


A lot of these issues could be mitigated for little expense just by road dieting both roads to a 3 lane configuration.

#25 Jackerbie

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Posted 02 November 2018 - 10:33 AM

You'd think that with green space on two corners it might encourage more pedestrians, but there is a lack of welcoming entrances to the park land, especially on the SE corner.


I lived near Admirals for a year, and anytime I walked the Gorge Road park I would turn around at Tillicum. Plenty of other people did the same, or would turn even earlier at the canoe club. Redesign of the intersection will be a critical piece of any attempt to create an urban village. This application won't achieve that (nor should it), but I imagine there will be significant sidewalk improvements. I just hope Saanich doesn't pursue some sort of useless art-anchored plaza space at the corner.

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#26 RFS

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Posted 02 November 2018 - 10:35 AM

I lived near Admirals for a year, and anytime I walked the Gorge Road park I would turn around at Tillicum. Plenty of other people did the same, or would turn even earlier at the canoe club. Redesign of the intersection will be a critical piece of any attempt to create an urban village. This application won't achieve that (nor should it), but I imagine there will be significant sidewalk improvements. I just hope Saanich doesn't pursue some sort of useless art-anchored plaza space at the corner.

Sidewalk improvements are fine but tillicum is an arterial road so I hope there are no old island highway style “traffic calming” measures

#27 nagel

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Posted 02 November 2018 - 11:01 AM

Sidewalk improvements are fine but tillicum is an arterial road so I hope there are no old island highway style “traffic calming” measures

I think Tillicum will always be 4 lanes but I do believe we will see Gorge get traffic calmed within this council cycle.  It's already calmed to the west and to the east.  It just doesn't need 4 lanes.

#28 Mattjvd

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Posted 02 November 2018 - 11:36 AM

I think Tillicum will always be 4 lanes but I do believe we will see Gorge get traffic calmed within this council cycle.  It's already calmed to the west and to the east.  It just doesn't need 4 lanes.

I would be nice if one of Gorge or Burnside would be a proper 4 lanes, with turning lanes, and not blocking the shoulder lane with parking. While the other gets Old Island Highway or the Victoria end of Esquimalt Rd traffic calming.  

#29 Jackerbie

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Posted 21 October 2020 - 07:29 AM

So this one went to Council on Monday, not sure what the outcome was. Minor changes to the proposed building, most notably toning down of the all the blue. Also the $108,000 amenity contribution will be going towards improvements in Gorge Park.


Staff report: https://www.saanich....20201019rsc.pdf

#30 Nparker

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Posted 21 October 2020 - 07:37 AM

The original "all blue" design was a bit too much.

#31 Mike K.

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Posted 21 October 2020 - 07:40 AM

Ha! I’m working on this one as we speak.

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#32 Citified.ca

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Posted 21 October 2020 - 09:14 AM


A project rendering for a proposal at 300 Gorge Road West and 2900 Tillicum Road. Proponent Alan Lowe Architect has envisioned a five-storey, mixed-use residential and retail building to replace a single-storey retail strip overlooking the busy Saanich intersection.


Saanich sends to public hearing a residential project eyed for Il Greco retail strip on Gorge Road at Tillicum Road


Edited by Citified.ca, 21 October 2020 - 11:08 AM.

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#33 AllseeingEye



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Posted 21 October 2020 - 10:31 AM

Nice. Five mins from our hood across the bridge this will be a huge improvement over the old tired strip that's there now. I believe Il Greco stays but moves around the corner to front onto Gorge Road.

#34 Redd42

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Posted 21 October 2020 - 10:45 AM

That explains why the businesses have been vacating on the Gorge Rd side. I wondered why that was when I knew it was proposed that building was staying.

#35 Citified.ca

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Posted 21 October 2020 - 11:09 AM

Correction to the above!


The representative for this project misspoke and has confirmed the project is heading to a public hearing, not that it was formally approved.

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#36 Citified.ca

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Posted 13 January 2021 - 09:51 AM

Saanich approves redevelopment of Tillicum Road's Il Greco strip mall into condos, retail spaces


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#37 Victoria Watcher

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Posted 25 January 2021 - 05:34 AM

Saanich green lit a five-story, mixed-use development for the intersection of Gorge Road West and Tillicum Road after a Jan. 12 public hearing.

Council voted unanimously in favour of the 53-unit multi-family building with commercial spaces at the ground level for 300 Gorge Road West and 2900 Tillicum Road. The property, in the northwest corner of the intersection, is currently home to Il Greco – the property owner’s restaurant – and other businesses.



#38 AllseeingEye



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Posted 05 June 2023 - 07:10 PM

So finally, 2.5 years after formal approval, it looks like this one is moving ahead. Drove by today and noticed the heavy equipment had made short work of the existing structure. If you were hoping to partake at Il Greco one last time at the old location.....poof!....too late as of now its rubble. :)

#39 Mike K.

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Posted 05 June 2023 - 08:03 PM

I noticed that today!

It’s too bad they couldn’t incorporate the building at the corner.
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#40 Bambam

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Posted 04 December 2024 - 03:11 PM

This one is coming along nicely, now up to the third level. Il Greco remains just moved around onto the Gorge Rd side is all. Lots of construction in this area!


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