You'd think that with green space on two corners it might encourage more pedestrians, but there is a lack of welcoming entrances to the park land, especially on the SE corner.
In all 4 directions from that intersection, there is a hostile walking environment. The bridge over the Gorge is a joke for walking and biking and is a serious impediment to connecting Saanich and Esquimalt by safe bike route. The 1.5m sidewalks on Tillicum in either direction, right next to a 4 lane speed circuit, are very uncomfortable for walking, and actually are even worse in Esquimalt where they might actually be unusable for wheelchairs due to the steep dips at driveways.
To the east, someone was recently killed on the sidewalk, and to the west, there is some escape if you take the trail, but the actual sidewalks are again quite narrow, and the buffer provided by the bike lane doesn't begin until further to the west. This is not somewhere I would walk with my kids, which is too bad as I have nieces a few blocks from there. Long term, there would be both an improved intersection here as well as an expansion of the Gorge trail to the east, along the water. There is a bit of trail there but I think it should be more seawall sized.
A lot of these issues could be mitigated for little expense just by road dieting both roads to a 3 lane configuration.