Hi-rises should have been built on that Camosun campus. Now there isn't enough learning space there so the main campus has been built way out in the Burbs in Saanich. Adding to the massive Saanich Sprawl.
They were proposing
regular residential, not campus space. Remember, this was before Camosun. I wouldn't be surprised if they were planning on demolishing the
Young Building around that time. If they had built those residential highrises, Camosun's
entire campus would likely have been built out in the burbs.
UVic opens cutting-edge sciences buildingSamir Shrestha surveys the view from the fifth floor of the new engineering building at UVic.
Photograph by : Bruce Stotesbury, Times Colonist
Louise Dickson, Times Colonist
Published: Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Susan Perkins used to wait in line for 45 minutes to use the computer science lab in the University of Victoria's engineering wing.
This fall, the fourth-year software engineering student has no waits and all the equipment she needs to complete her assignments in the new state-of-the art $25-million UVic Engineering/Computer Science building.
"This atmosphere is highly conducive to learning," Perkins said yesterday at the building's opening ceremony, attended by Advanced Education Minister Murray Coell and UVic president David Turpin.
© Times Colonist (Victoria) 2006