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Elk & Beaver Lakes

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#41 amor de cosmos

amor de cosmos


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Posted 01 September 2017 - 07:16 PM

^What a complete waste of time and money!  Can anyone, other than a person with a degree in Linguistics, decipher how to pronounce those names? Guaranteed, people will still call it Elk/Beaver Lake.

Typical Anglo response. Nobody's cramming anything down anyone's throat. I don't see it as much different from Mt Everest (among many many other things) being known by different names to different people. Some call it Mt Everest, others call it Deodungha, Qomolungma or Sagarmāthā. In Mexico many places go by the old Aztec names, perhaps unofficially (like Quaunahuac), and so on & so on. Who cares? If that Elk Lake sign had something other than English on it, it wouldn't mean the English would get taken off, or that it would be any less legible to an Anglo. Have you also got a problem with this Nunavut stop sign then?


I get Pkols, it's readable, and pronounceable, but XE,OL,XELEK...WTF is that, and how do you pronounce it? Zee -all Zelek?  It is the same with all of the signs on Hwy 99 up to Whistler that were installed in the run-up to the 2010 games.  Squamish turned into Skwxwu7mesh - which is probably pronounced 'Squamish'.

For me anyway that's partly the idea, English is so bland. Don't you like how I spiced up that Elk Lake Park sign? It's a lot more exotic & mysterious. It blows unpronouncable Russian & Polish off the porch!  :D

re: PKOLS that alphabet doesn't have upper/lower case, so PKOLS is the correct spelling. & I'm pretty sure it's just PKOLS, not Mt PKOLS or anything else. Sounds like the proper pronunciation is at about 7:50 of this clip

Edited by amor de cosmos, 01 September 2017 - 07:54 PM.

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#42 North Shore

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Posted 03 September 2017 - 11:35 AM

Where did I ever mention "cramming anything down anyone's throat"?  I'm simply saying that if you want to change the names of places, and have them widely adopted, then do it in an alphabet that the majority of us can read, understand, and pronounce.  As I alluded to, I've got no problem with using original names (Haida Gwaii, Sagamartha, PKOLS, and so on) but give me/us a fighting chance to pronounce them properly by using a non-technical alphabet - and that's my point.  


(I can't read syllabic, but I'd bet $5 that the top part of that sign spells out 'STOP')

Say, what's that mountain goat doing up here in the mist?

#43 amor de cosmos

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Posted 03 September 2017 - 12:21 PM

saying it would be a waste of money had me thinking it was just a dumb idea, but that bit I can understand. as there's only so much space on a sign like that maybe a phonetic spelling could be smaller and on the park brochure.

Edited by amor de cosmos, 03 September 2017 - 12:21 PM.

#44 Bingo

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Posted 10 November 2017 - 10:11 PM

Beavers that prefer their own dam about to be bumped off.


The rodents have been busy building dams in South Pender Island's Greenburn Lake. 

Parks Canada, which administers the area as part of the Gulf Islands National Park Reserve, says the beavers' work is threatening an earthen dam.

Officials say they've exhausted all other options and have no choice but to humanely trap and euthanize the animals. But local residents are planning a blockade in an attempt to get the execution called off.

"We're actually horrified by the fact that they would dream of killing wild animals when their mandate is to protect the wilderness and wild animals," Leslie McBain told CBC News.

"It is ironic that their symbol, the National Parks symbol, is a beaver."



#45 Victoria Watcher

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Posted 29 March 2021 - 05:36 AM

Youngsters will be clambering over boulders, sliding down an embankment and balancing on logs and root balls at ­Hamsterly Beach playground once it’s transformed into a nature-themed experience.


The 33-year-old playground in Elk/Beaver Lake Regional Park is destined for a makeover by mid-October.


Jones said the park, which had about 1.7 million visitors last year, is the most visited in the CRD system.





should i be surprised it's the busiest park in the CRD system?  if you had asked me which one was yesterday i might not have answered elk lake.



#46 lanforod

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Posted 29 March 2021 - 01:07 PM

I would have thought BHP (precampers). The lake is the draw, and I suspect that number includes both Beaver and Elk and all the runners.

#47 Victoria Watcher

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Posted 29 March 2021 - 01:26 PM

I would have thought BHP (precampers). The lake is the draw, and I suspect that number includes both Beaver and Elk and all the runners.


i think the article just means CRD-run parks.  not all parks in the CRD (such as those run by saanich or victoria municipalities).

#48 Victoria Watcher

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Posted 11 April 2021 - 05:46 AM

Elk Lake’s unpleasant water expected to improve next year with oxygen system



#49 Victoria Watcher

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Posted 09 May 2021 - 05:32 AM

The province is chipping in half the cost for an aerator system to make the waters of Elk and Beaver lakes cleaner and safer for humans and pets.


B.C. is contributing $750,000 towards an oxygenation system, expected to be operating in spring 2022.





Edited by Victoria Watcher, 09 May 2021 - 05:33 AM.

#50 Victoria Watcher

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Posted 05 September 2023 - 04:26 AM

Oxygenator aims to improves water quality at Elk, Beaver lakes


Equipment pumps oxygen to the lower layer of Elk Lake, preventing nutrients from rising the surface and promoting blue-green algae growth

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#51 Victoria Watcher

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Posted 24 March 2024 - 12:35 AM

The Capital Regional District has extended its blue-green algae alert for a popular lake in Saanich.


The alert, which was first announced on Oct. 16, 2023, remains in effect for Elk/Beaver Lake Regional Park some five months after it was initially issued.




#52 Victoria Watcher

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Posted 19 July 2024 - 07:13 AM

CRD adds 2nd lake to Greater Victoria blue-green algae warning

Prior, Beaver lakes algae can produce cyanotoxins that could cause lethal liver damage in dogs


Edited by Victoria Watcher, 19 July 2024 - 07:13 AM.


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