Skywatching and stargazing in Victoria
Posted 22 November 2009 - 01:34 PM
Posted 05 July 2010 - 12:11 AM
It was very cool to watch that happen. My girlfriend saw a slow-moving streak of light earlier and I wonder if it was a meteorite or the expended stage from the Soyuz rocket launch.
Posted 05 July 2010 - 09:52 AM
Posted 05 July 2010 - 12:59 PM
Posted 11 July 2010 - 07:55 PM
Posted 11 July 2010 - 08:58 PM
It simulates the night sky over any location in the world (you hold the phone up and pan around to line up the nights sky with the applets simulator) and identifies exactly what you are seeing/helps you find what you're looking for. It also includes links to info on satellites and other man-made objects visible to us.
It's worth every penny

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Posted 20 June 2011 - 09:56 PM
Lots of shorter sightings coming up:
Victoria current weather by neighbourhood: Victoria school-based weather station network
Victoria webcams: Big Wave Dave Webcams
Posted 10 May 2012 - 12:17 PM
Venus is the second brightest object in our night sky after the moon.

Know it all.
Citified.ca is Victoria's most comprehensive research resource for new-build homes and commercial spaces.
Posted 01 June 2012 - 10:30 AM
What will happen is Venus, roughly the same size as Earth, will pass between Earth and the setting sun. Venus will appear as a black speck traveling across the sun's surface.
If you have a telescope there are filters you can purchase that allow you to view these events without damaging your eyesight. You will be able to see this with your naked eye but of course you can only view it for very brief moments at a time. The weather is expected to cooperate by sunset despite the foggy and rainy start to the day.
Great spots to take this in include The Cairn in Esquimalt, Mt. Tolmie or the summit of Mount Doug.
Know it all.
Citified.ca is Victoria's most comprehensive research resource for new-build homes and commercial spaces.
Posted 01 June 2012 - 11:00 AM
Anyway, won't happen again until 2117, so lucky Mike K. got the date early, rather than late eh?
Someone really missed the boat on sponsorship of this though. In 2117 it'll be called the Transit of Venus past the Chinese Sun©, brought to you by China National Nuclear & Petroleum Corporation.
Posted 01 June 2012 - 12:11 PM
Nevertheless, I'd pluck myself down at a suitable viewing spot several days early just to secure a good vantage point. You can thank me later.
Know it all.
Citified.ca is Victoria's most comprehensive research resource for new-build homes and commercial spaces.
Posted 06 June 2012 - 03:30 PM
Posted 06 June 2012 - 08:19 PM

Photo courtesy of: http://www.bydio.com...ng-its-transit/
Know it all.
Citified.ca is Victoria's most comprehensive research resource for new-build homes and commercial spaces.
Posted 11 August 2012 - 08:38 PM
Need answer fast! (Or in about 2 hours!)
Posted 11 August 2012 - 10:01 PM
Posted 11 August 2012 - 11:51 PM
Posted 03 September 2012 - 09:36 PM
-City of Victoria website, 2009
Posted 03 September 2012 - 11:04 PM
Victoria current weather by neighbourhood: Victoria school-based weather station network
Victoria webcams: Big Wave Dave Webcams
Posted 06 August 2013 - 10:05 PM
We were just sitting down on the patio at The Keg tonight when I looked up and said "Hey, that looks like ISS". Friends thought I was nuts and suggested it was an airplane. I quickly whipped out my BlackBerry and looked online (Yes, BlackBerrys go online) at the sightings, and sure enough it was ISS.
Saw it just by chance as a couple of minutes earlier we were at a different table and I wouldn't have been looking towards it.
Victoria current weather by neighbourhood: Victoria school-based weather station network
Victoria webcams: Big Wave Dave Webcams
Posted 04 December 2013 - 06:04 PM
Douglas Gradecki - Any reports of a fireball in the sky, heading SW into the sunset? We just saw something BIG over the distant Olympics, from East Sooke. Exciting and perplexing!!
Douglas Gradecki - actual photo from this afternoon - "One of the pics I took a bit before 5pm tonight. This is what I am asking about."
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