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Uber / Lyft in Victoria

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#1 Citified.ca

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Posted 10 August 2017 - 08:55 AM


Uber's mapping vehicles, similar to those used by Google for Streetview mapping technology, have hit the streets of B.C. to determine the ride-sharing company's fastest routes between popular destinations, identify ideal pick-up spots and confirm the main entrances of buildings.


Uber starts mapping B.C. streets despite NDP's move to delay ride-sharing



Ride-sharing company Uber has begun mapping British Columbia streets despite the NDP government’s reversal of ex-Premier Christy Clark’s move to legitimize the industry by the end of 2017.

In March of this year Clark announced her government would lift a moratorium on ride-sharing services by the fall, effectively clearing the path for companies like Uber and Lyft to compete with taxi operators and licensed passenger transport firms.
Last week, however, the NDP government nixed the prospect of near-term Uber or Lyft services in B.C. and instead plans to assess the start-up ride-sharing industry relative to existing transportation options. There is no definitive date by which the newly-formed government plans to release the results of its transportation review and approve province-wide ride-sharing. [Full article]

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#2 spanky123

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Posted 10 August 2017 - 09:09 AM

^ Hmmm. The Greens were all over ride sharing. I guess that Weaver must have changed his mind when Horgan consulted with him on the matter! 

#3 Kungsberg

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Posted 21 August 2017 - 01:16 PM

^ Hmmm. The Greens were all over ride sharing. I guess that Weaver must have changed his mind when Horgan consulted with him on the matter! 


It looks like Weaver's planning on reintroducing a ridesharing bill in October, according to the TC.

#4 jonny

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Posted 22 August 2017 - 08:04 AM

Took some taxis in Vancouver over the weekend, and good Lord, what nasty, filthy, stinky, awful vehicles they were. I'm admittedly a pretty clean guy, but all of those cabs were just disgusting. Public transit is literally 100 times cleaner than those cabs. Do our provincial politicians just take private limos or something, because our taxi industry is not work protecting. 

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#5 Mike K.

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Posted 22 August 2017 - 08:14 AM

I called a cab the other day (here in town) and went outside to wait. And I waited. And I waited. So I finally called the cab company back to ask for an ETA. The dispatcher said nobody had input my request into the system when I called. WTH? Lol ...that's your job!


Anyways, once they did input my request a cab showed up within five minutes.

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#6 VicHockeyFan

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Posted 22 August 2017 - 08:52 AM

I called a cab the other day (here in town) and went outside to wait. And I waited. And I waited. So I finally called the cab company back to ask for an ETA. The dispatcher said nobody had input my request into the system when I called. WTH? Lol ...that's your job!


Anyways, once they did input my request a cab showed up within five minutes.


I used the VicTaxi app, works well.

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#7 spanky123

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Posted 22 August 2017 - 09:04 AM

I have used the VicTaxi app as well and it works fine. 


In a number of countries, taxis are allowed to set their own maximum prices. Those prices are displayed on the door and the driver and passenger can agree on a flat rate lower than the maximum price if they want. This is most commonly used for things like airport trips or city to city trips. In those areas Uber has not been successful because they are undercut on the premium routes.


Lots of people talk about cleanliness, attitude, access and safety with respect to taxis but it usually boils down to price. In BC taxis have regulated fares so it allows Uber / Lyft to simply undercut them. If you want to level the playing field then allow taxi companies here to set their own fares and I think that the problem will be solved.

#8 lanforod

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Posted 22 August 2017 - 09:06 AM

I have used the VicTaxi app as well and it works fine. 


In a number of countries, taxis are allowed to set their own maximum prices. Those prices are displayed on the door and the driver and passenger can agree on a flat rate lower than the maximum price if they want. This is most commonly used for things like airport trips or city to city trips. In those areas Uber has not been successful because they are undercut on the premium routes.


Lots of people talk about cleanliness, attitude, access and safety with respect to taxis but it usually boils down to price. In BC taxis have regulated fares so it allows Uber / Lyft to simply undercut them. If you want to level the playing field then allow taxi companies here to set their own fares and I think that the problem will be solved.


I think you'd have to combine that with a major increase in taxi licenses, otherwise prices could go through the roof due to lack of competition. Airports will not allow ride-share companies. I suppose they could be forced to though... some taxi companies will like that, no more airport fees.

#9 spanky123

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Posted 22 August 2017 - 09:10 AM

I think you'd have to combine that with a major increase in taxi licenses, otherwise prices could go through the roof due to lack of competition. Airports will not allow ride-share companies. I suppose they could be forced to though... some taxi companies will like that, no more airport fees.


Unless there is a big increase in the number of people using taxis then there shouldn't be a need for a lot more licenses. I can't see how an airport can stop an Uber driver from dropping of a passenger. Picking up can be a bit more of a challenge but I notice that some taxi companies just pay the $1 for short term parking and pick someone up there.

#10 Mike K.

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Posted 22 August 2017 - 09:19 AM

Airports will not allow ride-share companies.


I don't think that's the case any longer. I've seen Lyft/Uber pick-up spots at a lot of airports.

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#11 spanky123

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Posted 22 August 2017 - 09:27 AM

I don't think that's the case any longer. I've seen Lyft/Uber pick-up spots at a lot of airports.


Uber / Lyft have agreed to pay a pick up fee so the airports have set aside space. Not sure how the exclusive arrangements YYJ has in place now would be adjusted though. 

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#12 LJ

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Posted 22 August 2017 - 08:00 PM

And once again the GOC is going to introduce a tax on Uber/Lyft as well as Airbnb etc.

Life's a journey......so roll down the window and enjoy the breeze.

#13 VicHockeyFan

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Posted 26 August 2017 - 10:22 AM

Although a lucky group did manage to savour their free swag, shortly after the promotion ended Vancouver based Earnest Ice Cream distanced itself from the promotion calling it a "mistake."


"Last week we made an agreement to sell ice cream sandwiches to a business who's values do not align with our own," wrote owners Ben Ernst and Erica Bernardi on Facebook.


"As we educated ourselves more thoroughly about Uber, we recognized that this is not a good fit for us. We apologize for not doing our due diligence ahead of time and we hope to rebuild the trust that may have been lost with some of you."



<p><span style="font-size:12px;"><em><span style="color:rgb(40,40,40);font-family:helvetica, arial, sans-serif;">"I don’t need a middle person in my pizza slice transaction" <strong>- zoomer, April 17, 2018</strong></span></em></span>

#14 VicHockeyFan

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Posted 02 September 2017 - 02:03 PM

When Uber (and other services) gets here, will that spell more trouble for inter-city buses?


I look at this 19,000-member group and can't help but think that's significantly cutting into the bus there.  And folks there are openly offering up real money for their trips.




I mean, Pop Rideshare is already going.  Pretty hard to beat $7 plus ferry fare for a trip right into Vancouver.



Edited by VicHockeyFan, 02 September 2017 - 02:08 PM.

<p><span style="font-size:12px;"><em><span style="color:rgb(40,40,40);font-family:helvetica, arial, sans-serif;">"I don’t need a middle person in my pizza slice transaction" <strong>- zoomer, April 17, 2018</strong></span></em></span>

#15 Jackerbie

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Posted 22 September 2017 - 07:48 AM


Uber will not be issued a new private hire licence, Transport for London (TfL) has said.

TfL concluded the ride-hailing app firm was not fit and proper to hold a London private hire operator licence.

It said it took the decision on the grounds of "public safety and security implications".

Confirming it would appeal against the decision, Uber said it showed the world "far from being open, London is closed to innovative companies".

Some 3.5 million passengers and 40,000 drivers use the Uber app in London.


#16 VicHockeyFan

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Posted 26 September 2017 - 07:07 AM

Uber is going to pull out of Quebec October 14th.



Edited by VicHockeyFan, 26 September 2017 - 07:07 AM.

<p><span style="font-size:12px;"><em><span style="color:rgb(40,40,40);font-family:helvetica, arial, sans-serif;">"I don’t need a middle person in my pizza slice transaction" <strong>- zoomer, April 17, 2018</strong></span></em></span>

#17 vortoozo

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Posted 26 September 2017 - 11:24 AM

Note the overall positive comments about Uber potentially leaving Quebec.

The issues are increasing the number of hours of training for new drivers from 20 to 35, mandatory yearly car inspections and police background checks.

Uber says these items aren't compatible with their business model and they would rather not operate than have the deal with them.

There is nothing wrong with requiring a safe vehicle and a police record check, or proper training.

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#18 VicHockeyFan

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Posted 26 September 2017 - 11:27 AM

Oh, probably not. But at some point you tip to the point where you cannot recruit drivers.

Note that Uber still did record checks, just a faster online way.

And training can be an issue if a person has to take a week off their full time job to get it. Let them do 35 hours online and on their own time and pace, why is that not enough? Most people already know how to drive a car and pick up and drop off passengers, they have been doing it all their adult lives.

It still might be a bluff.

Edited by VicHockeyFan, 26 September 2017 - 11:30 AM.

<p><span style="font-size:12px;"><em><span style="color:rgb(40,40,40);font-family:helvetica, arial, sans-serif;">"I don’t need a middle person in my pizza slice transaction" <strong>- zoomer, April 17, 2018</strong></span></em></span>

#19 spanky123

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Posted 26 September 2017 - 12:46 PM

I don't think that the issue is with full time Uver drivers, it is the part time drivers that likely won't want to participate. 


A lot of drivers are simply looking to raise some cash to pay for their vacation or buy a new TV. As VHF said, taking 35 hours off work is a lot to ask. Add in an annual vehicle inspection and it isn't worth the hassle for a lot of people. 

#20 jonny

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Posted 26 September 2017 - 02:31 PM

Add in an annual vehicle inspection and it isn't worth the hassle for a lot of people. 


This is likely the goal of the Quebec government. Death by slowly choking off the airway. 

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