Agree wholeheartedly that #14 needs improvement - badly, in certain sections of the road - which I would love to see as an avid fisherman out that way multiple x/year.
Regardless IMO Pt Renfrew itself is still some ways away from "booming"; it lacks beyond basic services - try heading into "town" on a Saturday morning to purchase even the most basic fishing gear and supplies in a town where fishing is the main tourist draw: it can't be done since virtually nothing is open on a weekend until noon.
And in spite of all the talk over the last decade of it becoming Tofino-like the main new development, aside from the Three Point Motors-developed Wild Coast cottage neighborhood perched over the harbour, is a Pacheedaht FN-run gas bar on the main drag heading into the village center. Hardly the stuff of "destination of choice" lore. While it has plenty of potential, PA has a long, long way to go to attain anything close to that status......