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Highway 14 / Sooke Road / West Coast Road

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#21 AllseeingEye



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Posted 25 June 2018 - 10:37 PM

Agree wholeheartedly that #14 needs improvement - badly, in certain sections of the road - which I would love to see as an avid fisherman out that way multiple x/year.


Regardless IMO Pt Renfrew itself is still some ways away from "booming"; it lacks beyond basic services - try heading into "town" on a Saturday morning to purchase even the most basic fishing gear and supplies in a town where fishing is the main tourist draw: it can't be done since virtually nothing is open on a weekend until noon.


And in spite of all the talk over the last decade of it becoming Tofino-like the main new development, aside from the Three Point Motors-developed Wild Coast cottage neighborhood perched over the harbour, is a Pacheedaht FN-run gas bar on the main drag heading into the village center. Hardly the stuff of "destination of choice" lore. While it has plenty of potential, PA has a long, long way to go to attain anything close to that status......

#22 Mike K.

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Posted 26 June 2018 - 07:01 AM

Yesterday at about 3PM a car ended up in the ditch just a second past 17 Mile. Apparently that happens a lot. There’s a photo on our Facebook page.

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#23 moretrain

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Posted 26 June 2018 - 11:13 AM

Yesterday at about 3PM a car ended up in the ditch just a second past 17 Mile. Apparently that happens a lot. There’s a photo on our Facebook page.

Thats what happens when you drive as a fool. Do the speed limit, stay off your phone.

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#24 Mike K.

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Posted 01 October 2018 - 02:47 PM

The entire stretch of the highway west of Shirley, save for select pockets, has an obvious soil issue that's causing the highway surface to buckle and massive dips to form that cause very, very dangerous driving conditions irrespective of the weather.


I haven't heard any chatter about the road surface requiring a complete re-work but short of patch-work efforts that's what will be required along virtually the entire highway west of Sooke. In some areas the roadway surface is very, very dangerous.

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#25 Mike K.

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Posted 12 October 2018 - 05:21 AM

The improved Sombrio Beach rest area along Highway 14 is now open.


rest area.jpg

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#26 Nparker

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Posted 12 October 2018 - 06:01 AM

All it needs now is some sort of surfboard art installation and it will be perfect.

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#27 Bernard

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Posted 12 October 2018 - 10:58 AM

Wow!  That is fancier than I expected

#28 nerka

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Posted 12 October 2018 - 11:01 AM

The improved Sombrio Beach rest area along Highway 14 is now open.


Lovely. But they are going to lose that view in 10-20 years as the 2nd growth takes off. Damn trees.

#29 Mike K.

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Posted 18 October 2018 - 04:56 AM

The highway is closed east of Kangaroo Road following an MVI.

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#30 Mike K.

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Posted 01 November 2018 - 08:33 PM

A new controlled intersection will be constructed at Sooke River Road at Sooke Road. The improvements will also streamline access to the upcoming Tim Hortons slated for lands between Edward Milne and Saseenos Elementary.



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#31 Citified.ca

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Posted 27 November 2018 - 10:56 AM

Vehicles cross the single-lane Roche Cove or Gillespie Road Bridge over Roche Cove in Sooke as construction of a dual-lane span moves forward to the right. The new bridge will be ready for motorists by year's end.
Sooke's $4.3 million Gillespie Road Bridge replacement on-track for late December completion
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#32 sdwright.vic



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Posted 27 November 2018 - 02:15 PM

What no bike lanes or traffic calming feature?!?
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#33 DustMagnet

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Posted 27 November 2018 - 02:34 PM

What no bike lanes or traffic calming feature?!?

Having to pass cyclists in the travel lane is a traffic calming feature.

#34 sdwright.vic



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Posted 27 November 2018 - 03:56 PM

Sarcasm font now please and thank you Mike
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#35 Mike K.

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Posted 28 November 2018 - 07:28 AM

And like clockwork Sooke Road is closed once again due to an MVI to the east of the Kangaroo Road intersection. The chief just tweeted that the road could re-open at around 8AM. The incident occurred just before 7AM.

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#36 Mike K.

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Posted 09 February 2019 - 12:49 PM

Sooke Road has been closed for hours due to downed trees that downed hydro wires.

A community of 20,000 people literally cut off from medical services, transportation services, employment and loved ones.

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#37 Victoria Watcher

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Posted 09 February 2019 - 01:01 PM

what’s the solution? a new road? or faster response by crews? do they now prioritize a major single route like that?

#38 Mike K.

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Posted 09 February 2019 - 02:31 PM

There’s only one tree removal company capable of doing live wire tree removals and I’m sure they’re busy as it is. There’s only so much you can do, I guess.

But ultimately yes, a new road is required. The highway is now closed on both sides of Sooke with trees down across wires west of Jordan River so some poor guy who took the circle route to get around the closure will find himself stuck behind another.

Life on an island, eh?
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#39 Cassidy

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Posted 09 February 2019 - 05:19 PM

They (at the very least) need to develop more of the "Sookeahalla" multi-lane highway ... with the wide highway and generous shoulders on both sides of the road make a single tree falling far less likely to shut down the road for hours in both directions.


This two-lane rural, paved over dirt track that they call "Highway 14" should be looked at the same time we're looking at the Malahat, damn the watershed and reserve arguments ... all to focus on building a comprehensive highway system connecting the various communities on the South Island such that it doesn't they don't become inaccessible, with roadways shut down for 12 hours by a fallen tree, or a two vehicle accident.

Edited by Cassidy, 09 February 2019 - 05:23 PM.

#40 Mike K.

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Posted 09 February 2019 - 05:33 PM

That was the original plan, but then funding restraints kicked in and the four-lane ended where it did.

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