The Washington development has been a wonderful addition to our street: the Cecelia Ravine playground is hopping, and the street is now the kind of place where kids run to friends' homes independently (as mine have started to do; previously there weren't enough kids on the street to have a destination).
However, the development was supposed to come with a pathway connecting Washington Ave to Carroll Ave, one street parallel to the west. This was to be part of the "Doric Connector", eventually creating pedestrian / bike access from the Goose to Balfour, where people can then use Maddock to access the Pearkes recretion centre/library/shopping centre on Tillicum, or access the Goose from Saanich. The pathway is complete adjascent to the Washington development (running east-west along the north side of the site). BUT it currently dead-ends in the backyard of 3095 Carroll (see map). There's an easement beside 3095 Carroll, but we haven't seen any actual construction.
Does anyone here knows what's happening, or when a full connection will be established? I keep meeting families at the playground who need to take the long way there, along Gorge or Burnside, meaning their kids can't do it safely by themselves.