2024 Summer Olympics
Posted 27 July 2024 - 12:14 PM
The idea of a crown corp makes a lot of sense in a conservative cultural environment- the motives and efficiencies behind a business are a great way to deliver some of the services governments need a level of involvement in.
But in the hands of the left, crown corps are a tool of destruction, bringing out the worst excesses in business and overreach of government.
- Nparker likes this
Posted 27 July 2024 - 12:27 PM
- max.bravo likes this
Posted 27 July 2024 - 01:18 PM
I'm always somewhat bemused how lily-white, pure as the driven snow and virginal Canadians are the very first people to eagerly eat and destroy their own when we - the world's self-appointed shining example of truth, honesty, diversity, acceptance and universal love - get involved in a sporting 'scandal'. The howls of indignation would have you believe the transgession is on par with gas chambers and death camps......
Well dear reader I'll sit back while someone shows me essentially any nation anywhere that hasn't engaged in sporting hanky-panky going right back to the earliest Olympic games:
And that of course is only a fraction of the story; most will recall of course and aformentioned East German "women" swimmers loaded up on boatloads of male hormones, Soviet "amateur" hockey players who in fact were more professional than NHL pros - every single one of them offcers in the Red Army paid by the State to one end: to play and train for Oympic and other hockey championships eleven months out of every year. It doesn't get more professional than that.
In the 1972 Canada - Soviet Summit series those virtuous and rule abiding Soviets tried every trick in the book, including emptying the end of the arena of regular fans going into the 3rd period of one of the games in Moscow, and replacing them with 2500 uniformed and fully armed Red Army troops in an attempt to intimidate the Canadians who would have to look at them whenever they skated in that direction.
Moreover in an amaaaaaazing coincidence the Canadians, on their very first night after checking into their Moscow hotel, had to endure a major construction project which somehow just magically started up directly across the street that very night, going day and night 7x24, generating ear splittingly loud noise with massive heavy machineryn; not to mention bright construction lights blasting in every direction. Oddly most of them appeared to be aimed in the direction the Canadian hotel. I'm certain however it was legitimate and could not possibly have been - oh, I dunno - a deliberate ploy to interrupt their sleep or anything. Remarkably after the series the site was shut down. Pure coincidence!
Is 'gaming' an event to be encouraged? Of course not. And I have no issue investigating and dealing with it. That said we would love to think every nation and team sport is on the up and up but in reality virtually every nation is going to look for an edge, by the rules or not. And most certainly do. I love futbol but come on is there a more insidious and corrupt organization than FIFA? I think not. By the same token the Olympics/OOC is right on their heels for odious behaviour including bribery and all sorts of fiscally unethical and most certainly illegal reasons.
Here is a link BTW to some real beauty World Cup shenanigans:
Finally just for fun and so they don't feel neglected lets not forget the absolute rot endemic in US college football with its decades of cheating scandals, faked tests and - ahem - 'graduating' grades <wink, nudge>, not to mention the colossal river of greasy $$$$$$$ that underpins that supposedly non-professional sport, it theoretically being nothing more than clean cut college kids giving it "the old college try" without the taint of professionalism. Sure. And I am really a 7'10" black man who is a ten time all-star first team center for the LA Lakers, who BTW also walked on the moon. Twice.
"Amateur" sporting competition is warm and fuzzy and a lovely thought, but the reality is it only happens for the most part in junior high school. So next time those cheating, lying SOB's from Canada do something to offend our national sensibilities and humiiate us before God and the World not to mention the rest of all Creation certainly lets deal with it - but lets also not howl to the moon and hang our people in public and then act all horrified and pretend we are somehow the only people unscrupulous enough to engage in outside the rules activity. Cuz we're not, not by the longest of shots.
Posted 27 July 2024 - 02:39 PM
Posted 27 July 2024 - 07:15 PM
- Lorenzo likes this
Posted 27 July 2024 - 07:25 PM
Finally just for fun and so they don't feel neglected lets not forget the absolute rot endemic in US college football with its decades of cheating scandals, faked tests and - ahem - 'graduating' grades <wink, nudge>, not to mention the colossal river of greasy $$$$$$$ that underpins that supposedly non-professional sport,\
Now that amateur athletes can get paid for NIL, I don't think there are any more amateur athletes, at least not unpaid ones.
Posted 27 July 2024 - 07:27 PM
- todd likes this
Posted 27 July 2024 - 08:44 PM
A golden calf. A rider on a pale horse. Mockery of Christianity.
Is it a sporting event or an occults ritual? I can’t tell any more.
- max.bravo likes this
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Posted 28 July 2024 - 12:11 AM
And why they’re called the “Olympic” games?
- Brayvehart likes this
Posted 28 July 2024 - 12:19 AM
Posted 28 July 2024 - 12:31 AM
- Victoria Watcher likes this
Posted 28 July 2024 - 04:03 AM
I'm always somewhat bemused how lily-white, pure as the driven snow and virginal Canadians are the very first people to eagerly eat and destroy their own when we - the world's self-appointed shining example of truth, honesty, diversity, acceptance and universal love - get involved in a sporting 'scandal'. The howls of indignation would have you believe the transgession is on par with gas chambers and death camps......
Well dear reader I'll sit back while someone shows me essentially any nation anywhere that hasn't engaged in sporting hanky-panky going right back to the earliest Olympic games:
And that of course is only a fraction of the story; most will recall of course and aformentioned East German "women" swimmers loaded up on boatloads of male hormones, Soviet "amateur" hockey players who in fact were more professional than NHL pros - every single one of them offcers in the Red Army paid by the State to one end: to play and train for Oympic and other hockey championships eleven months out of every year. It doesn't get more professional than that.
In the 1972 Canada - Soviet Summit series those virtuous and rule abiding Soviets tried every trick in the book, including emptying the end of the arena of regular fans going into the 3rd period of one of the games in Moscow, and replacing them with 2500 uniformed and fully armed Red Army troops in an attempt to intimidate the Canadians who would have to look at them whenever they skated in that direction.
Moreover in an amaaaaaazing coincidence the Canadians, on their very first night after checking into their Moscow hotel, had to endure a major construction project which somehow just magically started up directly across the street that very night, going day and night 7x24, generating ear splittingly loud noise with massive heavy machineryn; not to mention bright construction lights blasting in every direction. Oddly most of them appeared to be aimed in the direction the Canadian hotel. I'm certain however it was legitimate and could not possibly have been - oh, I dunno - a deliberate ploy to interrupt their sleep or anything. Remarkably after the series the site was shut down. Pure coincidence!
Is 'gaming' an event to be encouraged? Of course not. And I have no issue investigating and dealing with it. That said we would love to think every nation and team sport is on the up and up but in reality virtually every nation is going to look for an edge, by the rules or not. And most certainly do. I love futbol but come on is there a more insidious and corrupt organization than FIFA? I think not. By the same token the Olympics/OOC is right on their heels for odious behaviour including bribery and all sorts of fiscally unethical and most certainly illegal reasons.
Here is a link BTW to some real beauty World Cup shenanigans:
Finally just for fun and so they don't feel neglected lets not forget the absolute rot endemic in US college football with its decades of cheating scandals, faked tests and - ahem - 'graduating' grades <wink, nudge>, not to mention the colossal river of greasy $$$$$$$ that underpins that supposedly non-professional sport, it theoretically being nothing more than clean cut college kids giving it "the old college try" without the taint of professionalism. Sure. And I am really a 7'10" black man who is a ten time all-star first team center for the LA Lakers, who BTW also walked on the moon. Twice.
"Amateur" sporting competition is warm and fuzzy and a lovely thought, but the reality is it only happens for the most part in junior high school. So next time those cheating, lying SOB's from Canada do something to offend our national sensibilities and humiiate us before God and the World not to mention the rest of all Creation certainly lets deal with it - but lets also not howl to the moon and hang our people in public and then act all horrified and pretend we are somehow the only people unscrupulous enough to engage in outside the rules activity. Cuz we're not, not by the longest of shots.
The fact that others cheat is not a reason for us to join them.
We should rise above, and withdraw.
- Mike K. likes this
Posted 28 July 2024 - 06:53 AM
You do know the pagan origins of the Olympic Games right?
And why they’re called the “Olympic” games?
I’d like to know all about that.
Know it all.
Citified.ca is Victoria's most comprehensive research resource for new-build homes and commercial spaces.
Posted 28 July 2024 - 07:01 AM
Posted 28 July 2024 - 07:40 AM
The fact that others cheat is not a reason for us to join them.
We should rise above, and withdraw.
Again - that wasn't the point of the post; my point was that it seems to me that we often appear to be virtually alone on the landscape when it comes to eating our own. We're so good at it and appear to relish the idea, I wonder sometimes whether its a Canadian character thing, i.e. we take pride in it. No other nation I can think of seems to delight in the practice more than we do.
Posted 28 July 2024 - 07:43 AM
But here we clearly cheated, in the present or very recent history. We should fall on our sword.
Posted 28 July 2024 - 08:27 AM
Posted 28 July 2024 - 08:28 AM
Find watching sports so repetitive after the first 15 or 20 minutes. Must be for simple minds
Maybe this will help: https://youtu.be/CdqoNKCCt7A
Posted 28 July 2024 - 08:28 AM
That is often how your posts come across, and why it can be so draining reading another one of ASE’s angry posts. When you bring us info and insights it’s like the post of the month, but then you go on these ultra agitated and angry diatribes that drain the reader.Again - that wasn't the point of the post; my point was that it seems to me that we often appear to be virtually alone on the landscape when it comes to eating our own. We're so good at it and appear to relish the idea, I wonder sometimes whether it’s a Canadian character thing, i.e. we take pride in it. No other nation I can think of seems to delight in the practice more than we do.
In one paragraph, you described Canada/Canadians negatively with these phrases:
- virtually alone
- so good at it
- relish the idea
- take pride in it
- delight in the practice
So much anger, in just one paragraph. So Team Canada screwed up, it happens, but the rest of your take is from somewhere so deep and dark. Why be so negative?
Know it all.
Citified.ca is Victoria's most comprehensive research resource for new-build homes and commercial spaces.
Posted 28 July 2024 - 08:45 AM
Dear Mr. K, we accept the fact that we had to sacrifice a whole Saturday in detention for whatever it is we did wrong, but we think you’re crazy to make us write an essay telling you who we think we are. You see us as you want to see us, in the simplest terms, in the most convenient definitions. But what we found out, is that each one of us is a brain, an athlete, a basket case, a princess, and a criminal .Maybe this will help: https://youtu.be/CdqoNKCCt7A
Does that answer your question? Sincerely yours, The Breakfast Club.
- Nparker and Ismo07 like this
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