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Amalgamation of Victoria municipalities

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#2221 Mike K.

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Posted 26 March 2022 - 02:52 AM

Perhaps it will steer the conversation towards a single police force for the lower four munis.

Now that bars are reopening and night life re-emerging we can expect police resources downtown to be stretched as thin as they could ever possibly be stretched. Already one murder in the days following the reopening and I can assure you there was plenty of mayhem on the streets tonight, and will be Saturday night.

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#2222 Barrrister

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Posted 26 March 2022 - 06:38 AM

The whole point of this consultation is to avoid a referendum and have the province simply impose amalgamation. Eby is pushing for it. 

#2223 Spy Black

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Posted 26 March 2022 - 06:52 AM

The whole point of this consultation is to avoid a referendum and have the province simply impose amalgamation. Eby is pushing for it. 

Under current government policy (not just the NDP, but B.C. Gov't's procedures in general), imposing amalgamation isn't on the table. 

Don't conflate imposing a policing restructure (the domain of the Eby, the AG) with full blown amalgamation (the domain of Cullenm, the Municipal Affairs Minister).


The Province long ago got rid of any form of "forced" amalgamation, replacing it with referendum based process that requires a 50%+ vote before it can proceed.


It's all here:


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#2224 Cats4Hire

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Posted 26 March 2022 - 07:19 AM

I did a Google search for Saanich just now, and this came up.  I guess it's showing me downtown Saanich?


attachicon.gif screenshot-www.google.com-2022.03.25-10_34_20.png


You would not wish that downtown on your worst municipal enemy.  But here we are.  


But that's Uptown! How can Uptown be downtown  :whyme:

#2225 Mike K.

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Posted 26 March 2022 - 08:58 AM

It’s funny, come to think of it, how much high-fiving is taking place over the Uptown Plan, and its 24-storey heights at a few spots, and its calls for density. Langford, meanwhile, builds the entire current Uptown area’s actively proposed residential density every dang year and Victorians be like “bruh, but where’s the on-street parking!?”

And just watch. In the time Langford builds another 1,000 units in its downtown core, barely one project will have completed at Uptown.
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#2226 Nparker

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Posted 26 March 2022 - 09:21 AM

The feet dragging around the Uptown residential component is embarrassing.

#2227 todd

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Posted 26 March 2022 - 09:30 AM

The whole point of this consultation is to avoid a referendum and have the province simply impose amalgamation. Eby is pushing for it.

I thought it was just to waste money. again

Edited by todd, 26 March 2022 - 09:39 AM.

#2228 Victoria Watcher

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Posted 06 April 2022 - 05:29 AM

No amalgamation with Victoria, please


I appreciate the concern about an amalgamation between Saanich and Victoria, but please don’t offer to pass the buck to Oak Bay, Esquimalt or any municipality, for that matter.


Until Victoria voters show the ability to vote in responsible councillors and mayors, unlike the narcissistic lunatics, anarchists and activists that have dominated Victoria’s council for the past eight years, no practical citizen in any other municipality would touch amalgamation with a 10-foot bike lane.


As for Oak Bay, it’s time to man the wall/Tweed Curtain. Which should be easy, as Victoria is already blocking traffic back and forth into Oak Bay already.


Barrie Moen
Oak Bay




Edited by Victoria Watcher, 06 April 2022 - 05:29 AM.

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#2229 aastra

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Posted 06 April 2022 - 11:29 AM


Until Victoria voters show the ability to vote in responsible councillors and mayors, unlike the narcissistic lunatics, anarchists and activists that have dominated Victoria’s council for the past eight years, no practical citizen in any other municipality would touch amalgamation with a 10-foot bike lane.


Now we're blaming Ben Isitt and Lisa Helps for 120 years of amalgamation controversy. By my rough count that would be reason #185,001.

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#2230 lanforod

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Posted 06 April 2022 - 03:17 PM

Those two just put the ! on the previous 185000 reasons.

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#2231 Victoria Watcher

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Posted 21 August 2022 - 04:29 AM

Jack Knox: It's not about how we're policed, but how we're governed

Greater Victoria is overseen by a patchwork of councils, each with its own agenda and suite of services. No other Canadian community of this size is divided this way.


Edited by Victoria Watcher, 21 August 2022 - 04:29 AM.

#2232 dasmo


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Posted 21 August 2022 - 07:50 AM

The community isn’t divided, the government is. Which is good. Makes them less able to ram a single agenda down all our throats…

#2233 LJ

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Posted 18 May 2023 - 07:49 PM

I see that the Municipality of Peel Region is going to be broken up into three cities in order to save money and cut red tape.....



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#2234 Mike K.

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Posted 18 May 2023 - 09:08 PM

Sounds like there's a lot of animosity from Mississauga, which claims it pays more than its fair share of the regional costs, and that it's getting a bad deal.

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#2235 LJ

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Posted 19 May 2023 - 07:49 PM

Sorta like Esquimalt?

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#2236 Victoria Watcher

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Posted 19 May 2023 - 09:49 PM

Brampton Mayor Patrick Brown says for decades key infrastructure for Peel Region has been built in Mississauga. Now he says his city should be 'compensated for what we put in' so Brampton can build its own infrastructure after the province dissolves the region.



#2237 Victoria Watcher

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Posted 06 July 2023 - 04:37 AM

Saanich and Victoria amalgamate? No thanks



I’m strongly opposed to Victoria amalgamating with Saanich. I came to Canada in 1965 and have lived in Saanich for all but one year of that time.


I grew to love the city of Victoria and its history. I am disgusted with what has happened to Victoria in the past decade.


The city has become a nightmare for local businesses and many are being forced out on a regular basis. The security situation has deteriorated beyond belief.


Land-lift from overdevelopment has driven the rents so high that many small business owners can’t afford the rental overhead for their businesses.


The treatment of heritage has been disgraceful and the city’s Old Town is rapidly disappearing for the quick profits of unscrupulous construction interests.


What does Victoria have to show for all this? There is nothing that I can think of. So, what is the benefit then for Saanich amalgamating with it?


Where are the pros? Some will say that we might save some money on administration costs, but will that really happen? I doubt it.


The cost of living in Victoria has gone through the roof. With Saanich emulating that model is anyone under the illusion that the situation will turn out any differently?


Josephine Marshall





Edited by Victoria Watcher, 06 July 2023 - 04:42 AM.

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#2238 AllseeingEye



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Posted 06 July 2023 - 02:02 PM

/\ Phhhhhhhht! Seriously?


".........The treatment of heritage has been disgraceful and the city’s Old Town is rapidly disappearing for the quick profits of unscrupulous construction interests."


Right - either this person has a badly skewed view of reality, is blind and suffers from major memory loss, has zero idea what she's talking about or suffers from some combination of all of these. Old Town back in what people like this term "the good ole days!" (you read about the so-called 'Good Old Days' constantly on local FB groups) was literally a rotting, falling down POS area of the city where buildings were left to literally either fall down, fall over or simply buckle and decay through neglect. Period.


No one lived there (why would they?), there was zero vibrancy to the entire area; it was bereft of anything resembling a thriving neighbourhood, the only thing missing from Old Town in the 1960's/70's/80's were the coyotes and the tumbleweeds. Old Town...'disappearing'? In what way is it disappearing exactly? Thank god for current developers like Chris Lefevre who are busily trying to resuscitate and breathe life back into a decaying and mostly dead corpse which has/was on basic life support for well over half a century.

#2239 Victoria Watcher

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Posted 06 July 2023 - 02:04 PM

Old Town has been pretty well taken care of.

#2240 Nparker

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Posted 06 July 2023 - 02:25 PM

I assumed the writer was referring to the heritage parking lots throughout the downtown core that have been disappearing at an alarming rate over the past decade or so. They needn't be too worried however, this, the grandest parking lot of all, pretty much in the heart of Old Town, is likely to remain undisturbed for many years to come.

heritage parking.png

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