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Non-City of Victoria projects with no threads

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#1 amor de cosmos

amor de cosmos


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Posted 23 November 2007 - 03:12 PM

Someone correct me if I'm wrong, I don't think any of these projects have threads here:

Condominium Tower
Leston Holdings (1980) Ltd. Ph: (250) 478-5590 (Colwood City)
Proposed 29 storey, 105 m high tower containing 163 units, at 1945 Sooke Road. Architect: Davidson Yuen Simpson Architects. Rezoning is approved.
Status: Proposed
Start: Fall 2007
Est. Cost ($ million): 90
Finish: Spring 2009
First Entry: Jun 2006
Last Update: Sep 2007
Project ID: 1782

Royal Bay Housing Development
Construction Aggregates Ltd. Ph: (250) 478-8311
Multi-phase (2,800 homes) development on 250 ha site on Metchosin Rd over 20 years. Phase 1, now well underway, consists of approximately 650 residential units on 92 ha. (227 acres) spread over a number of individual developments and featuring single family homes, townhomes, parks and walkways. Phase 2 started construction in Jun 2005, and will include an additional 1,500 residential units, some units in the Hatley, Delora and The Woods subdivisions are complete with construction ongoing in The Woods and The Bluffs. Project will include in excess of 75,000 square meters (800,000 sq. feet) of mixed use in an oceanfront village, a secondary school, more parks, trails and playing fields. Primary planning consultant: Cityspaces Consulting. Website: www.royalbaydevelopmentlimited.com
Status: Construction started
Est. Cost ($ million): 150
First Entry: Dec 1997
Project ID: 7
Start: Mar 2000
Finish: 2020
Last Update: Mar 2007

Aerie Resort Expansion
HRG International Ph: (250) 592-3838
Options are being considered for an expansion to the existing 35-suite resort on 36 ha on Malahat Mountain, to possibly include a hotel addition, up to 120 condominiums, and other amenities. Very preliminary.
Status: Proposed
Est. Cost ($ million):
First Entry: Jun 2007
Project ID: 2024
Start: ?
Finish: ?
Last Update: Jun 2007

Lakeview Estates (Lakewood Neighbourhood)
Associated Building Credits Ph: (250) 727-2325
Proposed 400,000 sq ft townhouse, condominium and single-family development containing 923 units, 17,500 sq ft of commercial space, and park and school space at 1220 Parkdale Dr. Site servicing complete. Zoning permits have been approved. Property sold to Associated Building Credits.
Status: Proposed
Est. Cost ($ million): 50
First Entry: Mar 1999
Project ID: 550
Start: Fall 2007
Finish: 2010
Last Update: Jun 2007

Goldstream Meadows Residential Development
Goldstream Meadows Ltd. Ph: (250) 474-6919
The project includes 240 modular homes and 180 townhouses, a park, preservation of a wetland, and approximately 86,000 sq m of commercial space on a 59 ha site adjacent to Langford Lake. Site servicing underway. Subdivision process underway. The business park and industrial development at the north end of the site will be built first.
Status: Proposed
Est. Cost ($ million): 36
First Entry: Sep 1997
Project ID: 1222
Start: ?
Finish: ?
Last Update: Sep 2007

North Saanich:
The Meadows Residential Development
Peninsula Properties Ltd. Ph: (250) 655-5470
The development located at 10520 McDonald Park Rd. consists of 59 townhouse units. 25 units and a clubhouse are underway. Phase 1 and 2 have completed with phase 3 completing in Summer 2007 and phase 4 expected to complete in Fall 2007. Website: www.livingatthemeadows.com
Status: Construction started
Est. Cost ($ million): 15
First Entry: Dec 2005
Project ID: 1576
Start: Jul 2005
Finish: Fall 2007
Last Update: Jun 2007

Mixed Use Development
Wessex Project Management Ph: (250) 412-3180
Proposed mixed use development on Helmcken Road. Rezoning underway.
Status: Proposed
Est. Cost ($ million): 40
First Entry: Sep 2006
Project ID: 1867
Start: Fall 2007
Finish: Late 2008
Last Update: Sep 2007

773 Cordova Bay Road Residential Project
Trio Ready Mix Ltd. Ph: (250) 658-5235
Proposed 110 residential units and mini-warehouses on 26.2 ha site at 773 Cordova Bay Rd. Subdivision application remains pending for boundary adjustment. Project is currently on hold. Architect: Number 10 Architect Group.
Status: On hold
Est. Cost ($ million): 15
First Entry: Sep 1997
Project ID: 25
Start: ?
Finish: ?
Last Update: Sep 2007

Richmond Gate Condominiums
Palermo Athome Inc. Ph: (250) 380-9191
Development of 54 unit condominiums and six unit townhouses located at 3614 Richmond Rd. Construction is complete on the first building Fall 2007, the second building and townhomes are expected to complete by Summer 2009. Architect: D’Ambrosio Architecture & Urbanism.
Status: Construction started
Est. Cost ($ million): 24
First Entry: Dec 2005
Project ID: 1621
Start: Sep 2006
Finish: Summer 2009
Last Update: Sep 2007

Central Saanich:
Central Saanich Municipal Facilities
Regional District Central Saanich Ph: (250) 652-4444
A design and feasibility study is being conducted for selected major municipal facilities to include: municipal hall, police, fire, public works yard and library. Request for expressions of Interest closed Oct 2005. Public Consultation took place in Fall 2006. New Saanich Centennial Library has started site work in Jun 2006.
Status: Proposed
Est. Cost ($ million): 15
First Entry: Dec 2005
Project ID: 1594
Start: Spring 2008
Finish: 2010
Last Update: Sep 2007

Grouse Nest Resort
Ken Mariash Ph: (250) 642-1634 (District of Sooke)
A 93-acre proposed Hotel and Marina complex on Gillespie Rd. It is currently in the concept and design stage. An open house was held Sep 05 to present several possible options for the development. Project is currently in rezoning.
Status: Proposed
Est. Cost ($ million): 265
First Entry: Dec 2005
Project ID: 1567
Start: ?
Finish: ?
Last Update: Sep 2007

View Royal:
Six Mile Road (Lakeside Village) Mixed Use Development
Unity Developments Ltd. Ph: (250) 388-5588 (Owner’s Rep.)
Proposed mixed use development on a 23 acre site. Plans include 2 acres for retail/commercial, 1.25 acres for a 100 room hotel, and 188 residential units in townhouses, cluster homes and condominiums. Currently re-designing a land use plan. Architect: John A. Neilson
Architects Inc.
Status: On hold
Est. Cost ($ million): 60
First Entry: Dec 2004
Project ID: 1258
Start: ?
Finish: ?
Last Update: Sep 2007

Residential Tower
Wessex Project Management Ph: (250) 412-3180
Proposed residential tower at 924 Yates Street. Rezoning is underway.
Status: Proposed
Est. Cost ($ million): 24
First Entry: Sep 2006
Project ID: 1866
Start: Fall 2007
Finish: Summer 2008
Last Update: Jun 2007

Leiser Building Condominium Development
LeFevre Group Ph: (250) 361-0382 (City of Victoria)
Renovation of the former Capital Regional District buildings at 524 - 534 Yates St for retail space and condominiums. One building will be demolished and replaced to link with adjacent buildings. Retail space will be developed on the ground floor of these buildings. 100 condominiums will be developed in the 500-block of Yates St. with ground level retail units. Demolition completed in Oct 2006. Tendering of project is underway. Project is registered to meet Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) standards.
Status: Proposed
Est. Cost ($ million): 30
First Entry: Dec 2005
Project ID: 1619
Start: Fall 2007
Finish: Late 2008
Last Update: Mar 2007
(^ that has been mentioned but there's no thread yet)

923 Burdett Residential Development
Cielo Properties Ph: (250) 360-6311
Proposed 94 unit seniors housing development with an additional 5-storey wing at 923 Burdett St. Project is in final stages of rezoning with request to increase density.
Status: Proposed
Est. Cost ($ million): 30
First Entry: Mar 2005
Project ID: 1369
Start: Spring 2008
Finish: 2009
Last Update: Sep 2007

Victoria Recreation Complex
City of Victoria Ph: (250) 361-0365
New recreation facilities are planned to replace the Crystal Pool facility at 2275 Quadra Street, to include gymnasium, pool, and other recreational facilities. Initial proposal has been rejected and preliminary planning of a new concept is underway.
Status: Proposed
Est. Cost ($ million): 18
First Entry: Mar 2004
Project ID: 1092
Start: 2009
Finish: 2010
Last Update: Mar 2007

I found it all in the Ministry of Economic Development's major projects inventory. (A major project is one whose capital costs are at least $15 million, or $20 million in the Vancouver area). I might have missed some & although I searched for existing threads I may have included some that already have threads. The inventory was last updated in Sept so the status of some of the projects (like the Conductor) seems to have changed since then.
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#2 aastra

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Posted 23 November 2007 - 03:30 PM

The first one is:

Colwood] Royal Roads Place | 105m | 29-storeys | Approved


#3 Ms. B. Havin

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Posted 23 November 2007 - 04:12 PM

923 Burdett is Mount St. Angela, isn't it? Interesting that it's listed on the Ministry's site. I hope it's still active -- I haven't yet gotten over how it was shot down by the suddenly-aroused neighbours on McClure... <grrrr>
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#4 Mike K.

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Posted 23 November 2007 - 04:20 PM

Leiser Building Condominium Development is the heritage renos on Yates by Lefevre in the Heritage subforum.

924 Yates is the 7/11 condo

#5 Rob Randall

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Posted 27 March 2008 - 11:38 PM

21 Gorge Rd. E is a four storey, 60 unit condo designed by Praxis. It went before design panel yesterday and it was tabled. They thought it wasn't modulated enough to disperse the massing--it just looked too massive. To be fair, there are 3 small one-storey homes next door. The quote said by the Chair was, "This building is a truck and it needs to come back as a car".

#6 G-Man


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Posted 28 March 2008 - 06:40 AM

Perhaps it is time for the houses to go?

#7 Nparker

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Posted 28 March 2008 - 10:05 AM

Perhaps it is time for the houses to go?

This is a perfect example of "designing for the past" rather than the future - a Victoria tradition. Does anyone really believe these "3 small one-storey homes" will ALWAYS be there? Why should the new building have to "appease" them? Their days are numbered. Allow the new building to set a high standard for the future, NOT the past.

#8 Holden West

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Posted 28 March 2008 - 10:13 AM


That's the old Capri Motel.

Yeah, that seems like they're trying to have it both ways. If it should remain sfd residential then by all means, reduce the massing (like they do with mfd's in Fairfield to retain the sfd flavour) but if the trend looks to large mfd's along a main artery (Gorge Rd.) then forget about trying to harmonize with a few old bungalows and just make good architecture.
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#9 martini

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Posted 22 November 2008 - 10:33 AM

I was wondering what was happening with the Capri. We had a brief chat about it on our VV walk. So now we sit and look at a boarded up building?

#10 ted - 3 - dots

ted - 3 - dots


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Posted 22 November 2008 - 01:08 PM

I was wondering what was happening with the Capri. We had a brief chat about it on our VV walk. So now we sit and look at a boarded up building?

-------- Good Things Are On The Way ------

but in my opinion , the income-tax act is standing in the way of a "temporary-use" of that building , vs the option's the owner's have ...!

Sometimes ( and I'm NOT saying that this is happening there ) ,

but sometimes , it's easier to park a property , and apply for what you know are IMPOSSIBLE development permits , than it is to leave a property vacant , until it's price goes up ..!

Sure , some of you don't understand the income act ...!

Never-The-Less , it is a major factor in business ... ( ie: you can avoid a weed bylaw by applying for a permit to build something that you know is impossible )

or how my investment into a FAILED project , protect your CASH from the Tax-man ...!
(ya , you have to have an actual income , to take a deduction ) doctor's & lawyer etc...!

----- Thing's are going to happen @ the Capri

it's just a matter , of shifting "INVESTMENT-LOSS-TAX-CREDITS , into a project that actually make a buck or two , before it's gone ...!!!!!!

SERRIOUSLY , the income-tax-act SAYS you have to have an EXPECTATION of earning a profit IN THE LONG TERM ...!

the reality of it is this , costs invested into that idea , are deductible ...
( so why not ask for the sky & the Moon ...? knowing you'll get neither ...! )

ted... ( the income Tax-Act ,
is standing in the way of housing homeless working people in the short term )



( please try to read a page or two of it ) investment-loss Tax-Credit's ...?

#11 Mike K.

Mike K.
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Posted 27 April 2009 - 08:20 AM

A four-storey office building has been proposed on the lot north of the Petrocan at Shelbourne and Mackenzie. The architecture firm is Praxis.

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#12 Yakpi

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Posted 27 April 2009 - 09:32 AM

Does anyone know if there is a thread for the oak Bay Beach Hotel?

Looks like it is back on track:


#13 Mike K.

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Posted 27 April 2009 - 02:56 PM

Yup, it's right here.

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#14 D.L.

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Posted 09 November 2009 - 05:50 PM

There is a listing in the realestate newspaper for a new four storey residential building downtown which looks similar to this project, but different enough that it could be something else. Prices start at $168,000 it says. It's MLS # 268816. I tried looking it up on the MLS website but apparently that is an invalid number.

#15 D.L.

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Posted 10 November 2009 - 09:30 PM

Ok, I'm stumped. I looked again at the project as advertised in the news paper and it definately looks different than the 613 Herald design shown above, so I assume that it must be a different project. The MLS number is 268816, but that comes up as invalid on the MLS website, http://www.realtor.c...ode=5&id=268816

So there must be another four storey residential project for downtown that we haven't heard about on the forum. It's very similar in size to 613 Herald though. Why the MLS website doesn't have it though I don't know.

Has the DRA heard anything about this?

#16 Rob Randall

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Posted 10 November 2009 - 09:35 PM

Are you sure it's not 601 next door (formerly 1728 Government?)

Why don't you scan the ad and show us.

#17 D.L.

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Posted 10 November 2009 - 11:15 PM

No, the building in the ad I saw was a modern design, not post-modern like the other Herald St. project.

Post the ad? What a concept! Now if only I could figure out a way to do that...!

#18 D.L.

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Posted 10 November 2009 - 11:19 PM

Found this on the 'net.

DOWNTOWN $165,000
A small collection of smart urban lofts located just stepsfrom restaurants, groceries, theatres, cafes & everything downtown has to offer. These units hit a price point thatVictoria has not seen in nearly a decade and will not lastlong! Features include: bamboo flooring, stainless steelappliances, microdot cabinetry, charcoal countertops &an urban feel throughout. Call today! Buyer to pay GST.
MLS 268816

#19 D.L.

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Posted 10 November 2009 - 11:26 PM

Oh WTF, it's the Johnson and Vancouver project! This is the rendering that was in the paper.

From - http://www.tonyz.ca/....php4?id=268816

The rendering makes it look like there is a street scene in front of the building, but that's actually the back of the building.


$168k - that's dirt cheap! Cheap as in inexpensive that is, as opposed to cheap as in cheap, of course.

#20 Bob Fugger

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Posted 11 November 2009 - 07:26 AM

Found this on the 'net.

Am I confused, or is that almost the exact same writeup for the Bossi units?

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