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CRD Recycling/garbage

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#21 Sparky



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Posted 14 January 2014 - 02:54 PM

I neglected to tell the entire story. Inside the big green thingy is a little small thingy.


I think this one is for kitchen scraps. (so finish your meal, it's not very big) 


You might be able to make out the do's and dont's where diapers and dog doodoo are not welcome.


Small Green.JPG

#22 D.L.

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Posted 14 January 2014 - 03:15 PM

The containers are of a different design than City of Victoria residents received last year

#23 Sparky



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Posted 14 January 2014 - 03:24 PM

^I guess if you move from one municipality to another you need to leave your garbage cans behind.


These look like they can be used with a lifting apparatus.

#24 jonny

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Posted 14 January 2014 - 03:30 PM

So when that bucket gets all gross after one week the homeowner then needs to clean it? Seems like a pain in the ass to me.  


99% of my compostable stuff still goes to the best compost pile of them all, the Strait of Juan de Fuca, via my garburator.

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#25 HB

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Posted 14 January 2014 - 03:40 PM

Those cans smell pretty bad when the stuff start decomposing so bad in fact that I gagged severely and almost puked late last summer when I opened it to rinse it out.


I dont used them anymore I just throw anything that is biodegradeable, out my window into the back yard.

The vegetable stuff rots away to nothing and anything edible is eaten by racoons and cougars. No bears yet.


Anything that burns is made into tight rolled up logs that i burn in the  wood stove.


The very minimal amount of garbage that I generate gets taken to the garbage can at the local gas station to be thrown out when I am filling my tank with over priced and over taxed gasoline

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#26 D.L.

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Posted 14 January 2014 - 03:51 PM

So when that bucket gets all gross after one week the homeowner then needs to clean it? Seems like a pain in the ass to me.

You use compostable bags inside the (small) bin

#27 jonny

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Posted 14 January 2014 - 04:06 PM

You use compostable bags inside the (small) bin


That makes some sense, but then of course everyone now is supposed to go buy these special bags.

#28 sebberry


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Posted 14 January 2014 - 05:10 PM

I neglected to tell the entire story. Inside the big green thingy is a little small thingy.


I think this one is for kitchen scraps. (so finish your meal, it's not very big) 


You might be able to make out the do's and dont's where diapers and dog doodoo are not welcome.


attachicon.gifSmall Green.JPG



Every time I go to toss something into our dumpster, some clown has gone and thrown a stack of newspapers or cardboard in there.  The newspaper recycling bin 12" to the right of the garbage. 


This kitchen scraps thing isn't going to go well.

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#29 Mike K.

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Posted 14 January 2014 - 11:12 PM

I collect kitchen scraps in a plastic bag then dump the contents into the green bin and the plastic bag just goes into the black bin.  No need to go out and buy special bags for the green bin :)

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#30 lanforod

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Posted 15 January 2014 - 09:26 AM

I collect kitchen scraps in a plastic bag then dump the contents into the green bin and the plastic bag just goes into the black bin.  No need to go out and buy special bags for the green bin :)

Still leaves the problem of the green bin needing regular cleaning.

#31 VicHockeyFan

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Posted 15 January 2014 - 09:39 AM

The City bin at May and Cook gets all my waste.

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#32 sebberry


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Posted 27 November 2015 - 08:30 AM

More separation of recyclables could be coming soon to a blue box near you...




“Ultimately I hope to see a system where we have separated out the glass and people are taking responsibility,” said Windsor. “More places are taking both the deposit and the non-deposit glass back.”
The review comes at the request of local breweries and recycling centres in the region.



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#33 Bingo

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Posted 27 November 2015 - 09:36 AM

The City bin at May and Cook gets all my waste.


Facial recognition cameras are soon to be installed at that location.

#34 Bingo

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Posted 27 November 2015 - 09:54 AM

 Why can't they make up their minds with how to deal with recycling, and what to do with glass?

If you want to reduce the use of plastic containers then make it mandatory to use glass for everything, and once you do that the recycling of it will become easier and more profitable.


Should the Capital Regional District stop accepting glass in blue boxes?
 The CRD environment committee voted to review glass recycling this week.
 CRD Director and Mayor of Central Saanich Ryan Windsor says he is in favour of changing the system.

Proponents of change say glass recycling is too costly but others say it is too much ask people to drive to depots and there is a good chance that the recyclable glass goes in the garbage.
Another option being considered by staff is to put a ban on glass that has a refundable deposit in Blue Bins.



#35 sebberry


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Posted 27 November 2015 - 10:00 AM

That's the problem - local brewers who rely heavily on returns of bottles for re-use don't want them recycled.  People are simply tossing their re-usable beer bottles into the blue box for recycling which keeps them from being re-used.

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#36 nagel

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Posted 27 November 2015 - 10:01 AM

That's the problem - local brewers who rely heavily on returns of bottles for re-use don't want them recycled.  People are simply tossing their re-usable beer bottles into the blue box for recycling which keeps them from being re-used.

What do the brewers do with them?  strip the labels off and wash them?  And bottle depot will get it to them but the CRD won't?

#37 sebberry


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Posted 27 November 2015 - 10:05 AM


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#38 nagel

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Posted 27 November 2015 - 10:11 AM

I wonder if this is really that big a problem.  Whenever I leave bomber bottles in my blue bin they get picked up before emterra? even shows up.  


There's good money in recycling.  My son made $15 last weekend off about 30 minutes of work.  He's 6!

#39 Mike K.

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Posted 27 November 2015 - 11:09 AM

Glass is too costly to recycle but a massive, unneeded billion dollar sewage treatment plant is a-ok?

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#40 nagel

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Posted 27 November 2015 - 11:10 AM

Glass is too costly to recycle but a massive, unneeded billion dollar sewage treatment plant is a-ok?

The obvious solution is for us to start peeing in our recycled bottles for a win win.

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