Except for the hundreds and hundreds of examples where it already has been done? For example, the example ~2 blocks away?
The two-storey one at Mason? Very different.
Posted 18 November 2023 - 01:10 PM
Except for the hundreds and hundreds of examples where it already has been done? For example, the example ~2 blocks away?
Posted 18 November 2023 - 01:12 PM
FYI: the "it can't be done" lines in the script are supposed to be read by Mike K.
Posted 18 November 2023 - 01:14 PM
Edited by Victoria Watcher, 18 November 2023 - 01:15 PM.
Posted 18 November 2023 - 01:19 PM
Any large heritage conversion is going to be different. The HBC was a department store. Vic High was a school with a vintage auditorium and gymnasium. Bank Street is also a school, but a different sort of school. Some jobs will gut the interior but preserve the exterior like a shell. Some jobs will maintain the interior but subdivide it into units. Some jobs will preserve only the exterior walls but do away with the old roof and roofline altogether (I think I would have preferred to see that happen at Fairfield/Moss).
Posted 18 November 2023 - 01:22 PM
I agree with all this.Any large heritage conversion is going to be different. The HBC was a department store. Vic High was a school with a vintage auditorium and gymnasium. Bank Street is also a school, but a different sort of school. Some jobs will gut the interior but preserve the exterior like a shell. Some jobs will maintain the interior but subdivide it into units. Some jobs will preserve only the exterior walls but do away with the old roof and roofline altogether (I think I would have preferred to see that happen at Fairfield/Moss).
Edited by Victoria Watcher, 18 November 2023 - 01:23 PM.
Posted 18 November 2023 - 01:33 PM
Anyway, as always it comes down to whether or not we're sincere about anything. When we insist we can't possibly do something even though other places have been able to do it, what we're really saying is we don't want to bother to do it.
Analogy: I'm sick and depressed, whereas my brother is fit, happy, and healthy. But I reject any comparisons between myself and my brother. Comparisons are inapplicable, because my brother eats well, exercises, doesn't watch TV or follow politics, and maintains a positive attitude, whereas I'm not willing to do any of those things. Thus, our two situations are completely different.
Posted 18 November 2023 - 01:38 PM
Back in the day we said it wasn't feasible to repurpose old buildings in Victoria because real estate wasn't expensive enough to justify it. Now we say it's not feasible to repurpose old buildings in Victoria because real estate is too expensive too justify it.
Posted 18 November 2023 - 01:40 PM
Edited by Victoria Watcher, 18 November 2023 - 01:40 PM.
Posted 21 November 2023 - 07:30 AM
There were plenty of tears and stories Sunday at the final service at First Metropolitan United Church on Quadra Street, where the congregation is leaving to join with Broad View United Church at a new venue.
The first services under the Broad View name are set for this Sunday at the newly renovated former St. Aidan’s United Church, on St. Aidan’s Street off Cedar Hill Cross Road.
The amalgamation, which will also see Broad View leave the location it’s been in since 1958 on Arbutus Road, becomes official on Dec. 31.
Posted 18 December 2023 - 11:57 AM
Edited by todd, 18 December 2023 - 11:58 AM.
Posted 29 February 2024 - 02:01 AM
Vacant, prominently located two (2) storey church building on the corner of Burnside Road E and Jutland Road. The building has a primary level of approximately ±1,971 square feet, with the original hall, a stage, an entryway, and a small office. The lower level provides users with ±2,050 square feet of space, consisting of a large kitchen area, a social area/dining hall, separate men’s and women’s washrooms, the natural gas furnace room, and some smaller storage areas. Since its inception in 1970, the building has been incredibly well maintained. The property is serviced by 200-amp power, and a central natural gas furnace heats both floors. The property is designated General Employment under the City of Victoria’s Official Community Plan (OCP). It is further defined in the Burnside Gorge Neighbourhood Plan as General Employment with limited residential. This designation contemplates a maximum of four (4) storey redevelopment and a maximum FSR of 2.5.
Edited by Victoria Watcher, 29 February 2024 - 02:01 AM.
Posted 13 April 2024 - 03:09 AM
Posted 13 April 2024 - 03:42 AM
Edited by max.bravo, 13 April 2024 - 03:45 AM.
Posted 13 April 2024 - 11:53 AM
Many religions have ceremonies that others think are weird.
The less one knows about them the more likely their weirdness rating may be rated higher.
Posted 13 April 2024 - 07:32 PM
I think all religions are strange, and religious differences have killed more people than anything else.
Should ban them all.
Posted 13 April 2024 - 07:42 PM
Can we start the climate religion?
Posted 15 April 2024 - 02:03 AM
Undercover footage of what they actually do inside Mormon temples. Warning- it’s very weird (but not for ASE)
What has ASE got to do with Mormonism or "weird" activities inside a temple? The answer of course is nothing.
FM precedes many of the "new" religions in some cases not by decades but by centuries and from what I saw here - after 30 seconds I bailed because I have better things to do with my time - its obvious that Joseph Smith or some of his early Mormon followers borrowed heavily from certain masonic precepts. Often out of envy and frequently because they themselves were at one time perhaps vey briefly members of our fraternity, or very often never acceprted at all.
Beyond that there are no links whatsover between the two groups and insofar as 'what they actually do' in FM temples involves everything from reviewing the minutes of the last meeting, to discussing and passing a budget for the upcoming year, to organizing elections for lodge officers each calendar year, not to mention considering and vetting and evaluating potential initiates into the order. All very mystical and mysterioius stuff, lol.
Posted 15 April 2024 - 02:20 AM
I think all religions are strange, and religious differences have killed more people than anything else.
I don't agree with this.
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