[Marine] BC Ferries
Posted 31 January 2007 - 11:21 AM
By Christine van Reeuwyk
Peninsula News Review
Jan 31 2007
Toll booths will spring forth a little further south of the current B.C. Ferries buildings at the Swartz Bay terminal.
North Saanich council recently approved a development permit for the new toll booths and cash-up buildings that will be built about 55 metres south of the current booths.
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Posted 07 February 2007 - 09:29 AM
Town’s mayor hoping U.S. ferry will remain part of community
BY JEFF BELL Times Colonist staff
B.C. Ferries is making the short hop from Swartz Bay to Bazan Bay, and its Washington state counterpart is not happy.
The move comes in the form of a 40-year lease with the Town of Sidney to manage the Sidney-Anacortes Ferry Terminal, formerly run by Washington State Ferries under a similar longterm arrangement. Washington State Ferries, which ran the terminal for close to 50 years, chose to become a month-to-month tenant in 2003.
With its Swartz Bay Terminal just up the coast serving routes to the mainland and Gulf Islands, B.C. Ferries decided the opportunity to run the nearby Sidney facility was a good fit, said spokesman Mark Stefanson. B.C. Ferries assumes its new management role in September.
Susan Harris of Washington State Ferries said the new agreement is not what the company had been hoping for.
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Posted 07 February 2007 - 10:05 AM
Posted 07 February 2007 - 10:27 AM
How does it work when someone is coming from the Lower Mainland.. to Swartz Bay and wants to transfer to a small island ferry...?
As a foot passanger?
A Vehicle?
Posted 07 February 2007 - 10:43 AM
Posted 07 February 2007 - 12:28 PM
Posted 07 February 2007 - 12:30 PM
Posted 07 February 2007 - 01:42 PM
That's a half-day billing if you're driving to Abbotsford on a good day...
Is there so much local traffic between Swartz Bay and the Southern Gulf Islands that it warrants a seperate terminal so far from the "Big Ferry" terminal..
Would be an interesting traffic volume and origin-destination analysis...
Posted 08 February 2007 - 09:57 AM
BY CAROLYN HEIMAN Times Colonist staff
Two private companies are angling to take over the operation of the Mill Bay ferry, and it’s making Saanich Peninsula and Cowichan Valley residents nervous.
“The community’s interest is to see the ferry continue, the service to continue, and for it to be affordable,” said Allison Habkirk, who lives near the ferry dock on the Peninsula and worries a smaller operator would trim service to make ends meet.
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Posted 08 February 2007 - 11:15 AM
Posted 26 March 2007 - 06:34 PM
A year later, and no one has been fired yet? In this case, I say shoot first and ask questions later. If you get sued for wrongful dismissal, so be it, pay the penalty. That's better than having at least two imcompetants still on the payroll. How can someone be on the payroll and refuse to provide answers, or give limited answers? That's insubordination isn't it?A fact-finding investigation will start up immediately and there’s the possibility that “all three of the bridge team members” could be fired, Hahn said. The second and fourth officers refused to participate in B.C. Ferries’ investigation and the helmswoman only gave “limited” information, partly due to being in shock.
Human error blamed for ferry sinking
Queen of the North didn't change course, mechanical breakdown not at fault, says B.C. Ferries report
Cindy E. Harnett, Times Colonist
Published: Monday, March 26, 2007
Human error sent the 8,800-tonne Queen of the North into an island on March 22, 2006 — bridge crew simply didn’t change course, and mechanical failure was not a factor, says a B.C. Ferries internal report released today.
“The ship never altered course at all. It never changed its speed, it just ran ahead into Gil Island,” B.C. Ferries’ president David Hahn said. “There’s nothing to indicate they ever tried anything. It’s just human error.”
Queen of the North sank after it collided with Gil Island; 99 passengers and crew were rescued; two passengers have never been found.
Posted 26 March 2007 - 07:55 PM
Posted 26 March 2007 - 07:57 PM
People died. Negligence would mean a manslaughter charge in my world, not just losing your job.
Indeed, it would in most jurisdictions.
Posted 26 March 2007 - 08:22 PM
Crew were supposed to mark the doors of searched cabins with a piece of chalk. No one could find the chalk. Two cabins were subsequently missed.
-City of Victoria website, 2009
Posted 26 March 2007 - 08:25 PM
Posted 26 March 2007 - 08:33 PM
Posted 26 March 2007 - 08:54 PM
Multiple pass keys were required to open all the cabin doors. A single master key might have saved lives, too.
-City of Victoria website, 2009
Posted 27 March 2007 - 07:52 PM
Note the following: loud music in the background, and the astounding inability of the crew to relay their lat/long position to rescuers, despite thousands of dollars worth of the world's most precise and expensive GPS and navigational equipment. Also, the apparent reluctance to make a mayday call or admit they were taking on water.
Queen of the North Grounding and Sinking DI #815-06-01ATTACHMENT 19
Queen of the North Investigation
(Transcribed by: Vice President, Fleet Operations)
Counter From To Transcript Operator 21 Mar, 2006
0:00:00 QON VTS Traffic, Queen of the North
22:08:00 VTS QON Queen of the North, Traffic, Good Evening, Go Ahead
22:08:05 0:00:05 QON VTS Good evening Traffic, we’re at Baker at this time, our
ETA Pitt Island Light 2235, over
22:08:15 0:00:15 VTS QON Queen of the North, Prince Rupert traffic, Roger.
There is no reported traffic, over
22:08:20 0:00:20 QON VTS Roger, Copy, No reported, Thanks Standing By
22:08:24 0:00:24 VTS Castle
Castle Lake, Prince Rupert Traffic request position
22:00:56 0:00:56 Castle
VTS Just rounding Jenkinson Point, 53 degrees 26 N 129
degrees 05
22:01:15 0:01:15 VTS Castle
Roger, Copy standing by your call in 4 hours, no
reported traffic
22:37:23 0:29:23 QON VTS Prince Rupert Traffic, Queen of the North (background
noises audible)
22:37:24 0:29:35 VTS QON Queen of the North, Traffic, go ahead
22:37:40 0:29:40 QON VTS Traffic, we’re at Pitt Island Light, ETA Sainty Point
2320, and for, correction, for Tom Island 2320, and
for Sainty Point 0005 (music audible in background)
22:37:54 0:29:54 VTS QON Queen of the North, Prince Rupert Traffic. Roger,
There’s no reporting traffic
22:37:56 0:29:56 QON VTS Roger (background music audible)
Mar 22, 2006
00:03:34 1:55:34 QON VTS Prince Rupert Traffic, Queen of the North (background
noise apparent)
EDN #5
00:03:40 1:55:40 VTS QON Queen of the North, Traffic, Go ahead
00:03:42 1:55:42 QON VTS Traffic, Queen of the North. Just approaching Sainty,
ETA Kingcome 0100. Over (background unidentifiable
EDN #5
00:03:50 1:55:49 VTS QON Queen of the North, Prince Rupert Traffic, Roger. You
may see Tug Castle Lake, they’re running slow with
23 sections of logs, They should be rounding Money
Point, Over.
00:04:03 1:56:03 QON VTS Roger. Coming down Douglas Channel? (background
EDN #5
00:04:08 1:56:08 VTS QON Negative. They’re coming down Verney Pass
00:04:11 1:56:11 QON VTS Okay. Thanks (music in background audible) EDN #5
00:23:40 2:15:40 QON VTS Traffic, this is the Queen of the North, Queen of the North, Queen of the North
00:23:46 2:15:46 VTS QON Queen of the North, This is Traffic, Go ahead
00:23:48 2:15:48 QON VTS Traffic, Traffic, We have run aground South of Sainty Point, several miles South of Sainty Point. Standby for position
00:23:56 2:15:56 VTS QON Roger, Standing by
00:24:01 2:16:01 QON VTS 53 19 29 (pause) 113 29 37
00:24:14 2:16:14 VTS QON Stand-by… Queen of the North, Prince Rupert Traffic, Say again your position
00:24:21 2:16:21 QON VTS Stand-by
00:24:56 2:16:56 VTS QON Queen of the North, Prince Rupert Traffic. What is your position? Over.
00:25:02 2:17:02 QON VTS Our position is, This is the Queen of the North, 29 19
North, 131 (what’s the second part of that?) 13 West
EDN #4
00:25:27 2:17:27 VTS QON Queen of the North, Prince Rupert Traffic, Roger, and do you require assistance?
00:25:33 2:17:33 QON VTS Roger, We require assistance. EDN #4
00:25:40 2:17:40 VTS QON Roger. And confirm you are not taking on water?
00:25:45 2:17:45 QON VTS We are taking on water. EDN #4
00:25:49 2:17:49 VTS QON Roger. Stand-by.
00:26:51 2:18:51 QON VTS Queen of the North, Prince Rupert Traffic
00:26:57 2:18:57 VTS QON Traffic, Queen of the North EDN #1
00:27:00 2:19:00 QON VTS Say again your position. This position you gave me is not correct, it places you in Hecate Strait. What is your position? Latitude? Longitude?
00:27:08 2:19:08 QON VTS South end of Sainty Point. Stand-by for Lat/Long.
And we are aground, our list is increasing, we need assistance immediately.
EDN #1
00:27:18 2:19:18 VTS QON Roger. We’ll put a broadcast out on your behalf.
00:27:23 2:19:23 QON VTS We’re aground near Juan Point, Juan Point, Over. EDN #1
00:27:30 2:19:30 VTS QON Roger. Copy.
00:27:50 2:19:50 VTS QON Queen of the North, Prince Rupert Traffic, How many people do you have onboard? (406 Mhz EPIRB audible in background)
00:28:07 2:20:07 QON VTS We have a hundred and one persons on board the ship.
EDN #4
00:28:13 2:20:13 VTS QON Roger. Are you at Muster Stations?
00:28:19 2:20:19 QON VTS Say again?
00:28:24 2:20:24 VTS QON Are they proceeding to life rafts? Over.
00:28:26 2:20:26 QON VTS Yes, Traffic, we are proceeding to lifeboats and life rafts.
EDN #4
00:28:30 2:20:30 VTS QON Roger.
00:28:36 2:20:36 PR CG
Radio Prince Rupert Coast Guard Radio, Over.
00:28:40 2:20:40 Lone Star PR CG
Radio Prince Rupert Coast Guard Radio, Fishing vessel Lone Star
00:28:45 2:20:45 PR CG Lone Star Lone Star, Prince Rupert Coast Guard Radio, go ahead
00:28:50 2:20:50 Lone Star
PR CG Radio
We’re just, um, entered Stuart Narrows here, seeking
refuge from the blow. We’re a thirty-seven foot
fishing vessel, shrimp vessel. We’ll lend whatever
assistance we can, what’s required.
00:29:11 2:21:11 PR CG Radio
Lone Star Proceed…(lost transmission)
00:29:37 2:21:37 PR CG Radio
Lone Star Roger, and how far are you from (garbled)
00:29:39 2:21:39 VTS SWL Sir Wilfred Laurier, Prince Rupert Traffic.
00:29:41 2:21:41 SWL VTS Traffic, The Laurier, Go Ahead.
00:29:45 2:21:45 VTS SWL What is your position?
00:29:50 2:21:50 SWL VTS We’re currently in Bernard Harbour, and we heard the SAR call. We’ve ordered propulsion and we’ll be
underway in twenty minutes, Over.
00:29:50 2:21:50 VTS SWL Roger. Do you have an ETA?
00:29:55 2:21:55 SWL VTS Negative. Stand-by. We’ll get back to you with that. Over.
00:29:58 2:21:58 VTS SWL Roger. Copy.
00:30:02 2:22:02 Lone Star
unk …about three miles.
00:30:08 2:22:08 PR CG Lone Star Roger. ETA on scene three-zero minutes.
00:30:15 2:22:15 Lone Star PR CG Radio
I’m proceeding up towards Hartley Bay. We’ll be
putting our poles down then making our way back towards the scene.
00:30:25 2:22:25 Roger. Standing by on Channel one six. Over.
00:30:48 2:22:48 VTS QON Queen of the North, Prince Rupert Traffic.
00:31:00 2:23:00 QON VTS Traffic, the Queen of the North. Go ahead. EDN #4
00:31:02 2:23:02 VTS QON Roger. Request an update on your situation.
00:31:06 2:23:06 QON VTS Traffic, we’ve developed a slight starboard list here, I’d say about twelve degrees from my indication.
Boats are getting readied. That’s all I know right now.
I believe they’re setting pumps in the engine room.
EDN #4
00:31:35 2:23:35 VTS QON Roger. And do you have a position, latitude and
longitude, Over.
00:31:44 2:23:44 QON VTS Hold one, hold one.
00:32:26 2:24:26 QON VTS Prince Rupert Traffic, Queen of the North. At this time, Point Cummings is bearing from us – one-zero one degrees, by four miles.
EDN #1
00:32:40 2:24:40 VTS QON Roger. Confirm you do not have a position with latitude and longitude. Over.
00:32:48 2:24:48 QON VTS Hold one, Traffic. EDN #1
00:34:01 2:26:01 Hartley Bay
VTS Prince Rupert Traffic, this is Hartley Bay.
00:34:04 2:26:04 VTS Hartley Bay
Hartley Bay, Traffic. Go ahead.
00:34:07 2:26:07 Hartley Bay
VTS Roger. Yea, just wondering what the weather report
is where the Queen of the North is. Over.
00:34:14 2:26:14 VTS Hartley Bay
Hartley Bay, Prince Rupert Traffic. Stand-by.
00:34:20 2:26:20 VTS unk Sawadee( ), Traffic, Go ahead.
00:34:30 2:26:30 VTS unk Station calling Traffic, Go ahead.
00:34:45 2:26:45 VTS Broadcast MAYDAY relay, MAYDAY relay, MAYDAY relay. ALL STATIONS, ALL STATIONS. This is Prince Rupert
Coast Guard Radio, Prince Rupert Coast Guard Radio.
Channel one-one. The ferry Queen of the North is
reported running aground just south of Sainty Point.
Bearing one-zero-one degrees from Port Cummings,
Requesting immediate assistance, taking on water,
one hundred and one persons onboard. Any vessels
in the area able to respond contact Prince Rupert
Coast Guard Radio channel one-six or Prince Rupert
Traffic, channel one-one. Over.
00:35:48 2:27:48 Sandra M PR CG
Prince Rupert Coast Guard Radio, fishing vessel Sandra M.
PR CG Radio
Sandra M Sandra M, Prince Rupert Coast Guard Radio, Go ahead. Over.
Yea..(stepped on) (…Prince Rupert Coast Guard)
00:36:20 2:28:20 Hartley Bay
VTS This is Hartley Bay, Prince Rupert Traffic, We’re trying
to get some boats out there.
00:36:26 2:28:16 VTS Hartley Bay
Hartley Bay, Prince Rupert Coast Guard Radio, We
received a weather report of winds four zero knots,
with two meter seas. If you’re going to go, request
type and number of boats and ETA on scene. Over.
00:36:31 2:28:31 Hartley Bay
VTS Roger, Roger
00:36:40 2:28:40 QON VTS Prince Rupert Traffic, Queen of the North EDN #4
00:36:44 2:28:44 QON VTS Traffic did you want me to switch to working Coast
-City of Victoria website, 2009
Posted 27 March 2007 - 08:10 PM
Posted 27 March 2007 - 08:22 PM
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