Trudeau has to figure how many Liberal seats in BC compared to Alberta and calculate the damage if he pushes too hard. Its a 3 way play.
Except this issue strikes the very core of our confederation. Trudeau not doing everything in his power to get this project going full speed ahead severely damages Canada in many ways.
First of all, he needs to protect our constitution to safeguard this place we call Canada. If we start ignoring core values of the constitution, well, we might as well throw the whole thing in the garbage.
Second, investors are watching. This project is legally approved. Kinder Morgan Canada, in good faith, jumped through all the necessary hoops. They crossed all their t's and dotted all their i's - at tremendous risk and expense to themselves. The Government of Canada now must put the full weight of their powers protecting the rule of law; otherwise, we are a tin pot banana republic whose laws are worthless. Who would want to invest here?
This is a critical battle, IMO. The environmental extremists desperately want to make Canada an unattractive place for natural resource industries. Make no mistake - their end game is no logging, no fishing, no mining and no oil and gas. They are on the verge of a massive victory. If the TM expansion does not move ahead, the damage will reverberate throughout the Canadian economy for years.