![]() | BUILT Amica Jubilee House Uses: rental, commercial Address: 1900 Richmond Road Municipality: Victoria Region: Urban core Storeys: 5 |
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[Jubilee] Maison Victoria | Seniors assisted living | 5-storeys | Approved
Posted 14 June 2019 - 04:08 PM
- Mike K. and Nparker like this
Posted 14 June 2019 - 08:50 PM
My doc and his partners have been told they have to August 1 to secure an alternate site, which fortunately for their hundreds of patients they have done kitty corner to this location. I understand however there are other lease holders in the complex with longer leases who are seeking an extension beyond August to provide them with more time to prepare for a move.
Just re-reading KK's post above which really annoys the hell out of me: like....feck this City Council quite aside from being a nest of Marxist-loving bootlickers, is just plain stupid!
My mother has been in complex care for several years in a facility expressly dedicated to that purpose and function. Period. The End. Anyone with average intelligence - and any intellect whatsoever beyond a Grade 3 level - should understand you don't mix "affordable living" space for regular folks with residents requiring complex care! Like, seriously, do they require a a stick man figure diagram to understand that basic principle?
The security considerations alone required for complex care residents would push the cost of the building well beyond the "affordable" threshold envelope.
You're talking extensive CCTV cameras "everywhere", magnetic door locking mechanisms for every door on every floor, electronic keypads for every building entrance/exit and also for every ward on each floor, and also special security perimeter fencing in many instances. Add in the highly customized design features (showers, toilets, enhanced mobility systems for those who require assistance getting from their beds to the shower or toilet for a couple of hundred individual rooms etc.,) in addition to specialty services such as medical, dentist and physio facilities typical of most larger complex care institutions and, well....duh!
- Nparker and todd like this
Posted 14 June 2019 - 09:08 PM
Ideology clearly trumps common sense when it comes to the decisions of the CoV council.
Posted 15 June 2019 - 06:18 AM
So what they’re saying is you might get an apartment rented at a below market rate, but if you start requiring additional care levels the affordability of the apartment will be a small component of the costs associated with your residence there, so it’s a moot point.
Know it all.
Citified.ca is Victoria's most comprehensive research resource for new-build homes and commercial spaces.
Posted 15 June 2019 - 07:25 AM
Good catch, Kapten! The reasoning behind Milliken Development's decision is included below. Their solution does sound like a reasonable response to the City's affordable housing goals.
Developer pledges $1 million to Victoria's housing fund in lieu of below-market units at seniors complex
- Kapten Kapsell likes this
Citified.ca is Victoria's most comprehensive research resource for new-build homes and commercial spaces.
Posted 15 June 2019 - 07:32 AM
if you think shell games are the way to solve housing problems i guess.
Edited by Victoria Watcher, 15 June 2019 - 07:32 AM.
Posted 15 June 2019 - 07:36 AM
^ Works for hermit crabs.
- Nparker and Victoria Watcher like this
Posted 26 July 2019 - 04:49 PM
Posted 02 August 2019 - 07:57 AM
Posted 06 August 2019 - 07:48 AM
I'm still curious about whether or not this one got the green light. Video / meeting minutes aren't yet available...
Posted 06 August 2019 - 08:23 AM
I'm still curious about whether or not this one got the green light. Video / meeting minutes aren't yet available...
Video is up now, minutes are not. This one took up 1.5 hours of discussion.
Rezoning and housing agreement bylaws were approved unanimously.
Development Permit issued unanimously, with two small changes that will not require further Council consideration (cladding material and landscaping, nothing major)
- Kapten Kapsell and Nparker like this
Posted 06 August 2019 - 08:41 AM
So the $10,000 per unit offered by the developer will suddenly make them "affordable"? As I said previously, kudos for getting more money from one project then council did from every other project combined last year but lets not fool ourselves as to the scale of that accomplishment.
Some councillors, such as Coun. Laurel Collins, noted the proposal doesn’t include any affordable units. Collins said she has been going through the challenging process of looking for assisted living for her father, who has terminal cancer, “and he wouldn’t be able to afford to live in this development.”
Helps said the $1 million being contributed to the housing trust fund could ultimately result in up to 100 units of affordable seniors housing.
“The beauty of having the trust fund is the city puts in $10,000 per bedroom and then that turns into a heck of a lot more money matched by the federal and provincial, and in some cases, the regional government as well,” Helps said.
Edited by spanky123, 06 August 2019 - 08:42 AM.
Posted 16 August 2019 - 01:34 PM
The Jubilee Medical Center, a busy walk-in clinic, has opened new offices diagonally across Fort Street (next to Fired Up Pottery in an older retail building) in preparation for the planned redevelopment here.
I imagine LifeLabs will also be relocating shortly...
Posted 16 August 2019 - 05:19 PM
The Jubilee Medical Center, a busy walk-in clinic, has opened new offices diagonally across Fort Street (next to Fired Up Pottery in an older retail building) in preparation for the planned redevelopment here.
I imagine LifeLabs will also be relocating shortly...
My doctor's outfit: I'm sure parking will be more challenging in the new location compared to the old one. No issue for me but I know the doctor's mentioned several times their older clientele were none too happy about this development. At least they moved across the street and not out near VGH which was their initial thinking
Posted 23 March 2020 - 11:46 AM
BP is in process, demolition permit was issued last week
Posted 29 August 2020 - 03:24 PM
- Mike K. and todd like this
Posted 04 February 2021 - 10:04 PM
Demolition is occurring. From what i can see it appears the roof has been removed already.
Posted 04 February 2021 - 10:07 PM
Demolition is occurring. From what i can see it appears the roof has been removed already.
Pictures or it didn't happen.
Posted 04 February 2021 - 10:20 PM
Demolition is occurring. From what i can see it appears the roof has been removed already.
Saw that today while waiting for the light at Richmond and Fort. Hey, I can see the sky through the top windows!
- Mike K. and todd like this
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