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Victoria homelessness and street-related issues

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#18941 Victoria Watcher

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Posted 02 August 2020 - 02:42 AM

Treatment really only works for those ready and want it.  For the rest, there needs to be a more difficult conversation about where they go, how we can support them while also reflecting on how these solutions impact everyone.


double bunk those that do not want to go to treatment.  that's a very persuasive method.

Edited by Victoria Watcher, 02 August 2020 - 02:42 AM.

#18942 Victoria Watcher

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Posted 02 August 2020 - 03:29 AM

Helps said in the webinar that Victoria’s geography and access to resources have also drawn people in need to the city.






yet somehow the geography of saanich has not attracted many.

Edited by Victoria Watcher, 02 August 2020 - 03:30 AM.

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#18943 Jacques Cadé

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Posted 02 August 2020 - 04:46 AM

yet somehow the geography of saanich has not attracted many.


The City of Victoria's geography is more urban, with storefront businesses, pedestrian traffic, and public space. If you've got nothing to do all day, it's a more interesting place to hang around, and presents more opportunities for bottle collection, panhandling, etc. than a vast suburb structured around automobile traffic and shopping malls with private security.

Edited by Jacques Cadé, 02 August 2020 - 04:48 AM.

#18944 Victoria Watcher

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Posted 02 August 2020 - 04:53 AM

so we need to enforce our vagrancy laws like private security does in Saanich.

i’m all for that.

Edited by Victoria Watcher, 02 August 2020 - 04:54 AM.

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#18945 E2V

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Posted 02 August 2020 - 07:06 AM

The mayor of Medicine Hat, a community that has received national praise for their methods in dealing with the homeless, was in Victoria a couple of years ago. His first suggestion was that our numerous aid agencies be consolidated into one to increase effectiveness and efficiency. He was flatly told that would not be happening here. This has clearly become an industry.

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#18946 Awaiting Juno

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Posted 02 August 2020 - 08:08 AM

The mayor of Medicine Hat, a community that has received national praise for their methods in dealing with the homeless, was in Victoria a couple of years ago. His first suggestion was that our numerous aid agencies be consolidated into one to increase effectiveness and efficiency. He was flatly told that would not be happening here. This has clearly become an industry.


This.  I think the province needs to step in and make this like the hospital system - no private provision of these services.

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#18947 Sparky



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Posted 02 August 2020 - 08:18 AM

so we need to enforce our vagrancy laws like private security does in Saanich.

i’m all for that.

How do private security companies enforce vagrancy laws in Saanich?

#18948 Rob Randall

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Posted 02 August 2020 - 09:01 AM

Vagrancy laws? What is this, 1932?

#18949 aastra

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Posted 02 August 2020 - 12:05 PM


The City of Victoria's geography is more urban, with storefront businesses, pedestrian traffic, and public space. If you've got nothing to do all day, it's a more interesting place to hang around, and presents more opportunities for bottle collection, panhandling, etc. than a vast suburb structured around automobile traffic and shopping malls with private security.


There are so many inconsistencies with the prevailing premises. So what about North Vancouver and the various neighbourhood commercial districts in the city of Vancouver or Burnaby or Victoria... aren't Oak Bay Avenue or Beacon Avenue interesting places to hang around, with storefronts and pedestrian traffic and public spaces? And how do we explain the issues in Surrey? It has big problems but it's suburban. How do we explain why some sections of downtown Vancouver are overrun and other sections have no visible issues?


Come on, in January we were talking about Oak Bay's eviction of a difficult individual, in June we were talking about Sidney's eviction of a difficult individual... Nobody even tries to make a secret of it: the system continues to push issues out of certain areas where the issues are not tolerated and into certain areas where the issues are tolerated.

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#18950 Daveyboy

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Posted 02 August 2020 - 09:07 PM

Very disappointed and angry.  A wonderful older lady who is probably the most generous person I know was in tears today.  She has a raised garden spot in the community garden located at Cecilia Ravine Park off of Burnside .  Homeless tent squatters (numbers growing on a daily basis)  located in the park have climbed over the fence into the garden, pulled out all of the tomato plants and just left them to rot (they didn't bother to eat the tomatoes).  Then they left a pile of faeces for her to clean up.  She has moved the one remaining plant onto the balcony of her apartment.  When she talked to a city representative, she was advised not to walk in that park but to stay on the road instead!  Thanks Cov!

Edited by Daveyboy, 02 August 2020 - 09:14 PM.

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#18951 Awaiting Juno

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Posted 02 August 2020 - 09:40 PM

Very disappointed and angry.  A wonderful older lady who is probably the most generous person I know was in tears today.  She has a raised garden spot in the community garden located at Cecilia Ravine Park off of Burnside .  Homeless tent squatters (numbers growing on a daily basis)  located in the park have climbed over the fence into the garden, pulled out all of the tomato plants and just left them to rot (they didn't bother to eat the tomatoes).  Then they left a pile of faeces for her to clean up.  She has moved the one remaining plant onto the balcony of her apartment.  When she talked to a city representative, she was advised not to walk in that park but to stay on the road instead!  Thanks Cov!


Its heartbreaking.  How is it when her generation was in charge, this wouldn't have happened?? But now, it's a free for all of entitled jerks wrecking things.

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#18952 mbjj

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Posted 03 August 2020 - 07:15 AM

Oh gosh, that's awful! I get mad when deer eat my stuff, but I can't imagine anything that horrible...yuck.

#18953 zoomer

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Posted 03 August 2020 - 09:30 AM

Some random thoughts because hey, isn’t that the approach we’ve been taking for decades?

-As AwaitingJuno said - we can’t just have voluntary coordination (which isn’t even happening despite words to the contrary), there has to be government ownership and accountability. The buck has to stop somewhere. Yes, we still would like the churches and homeless and drug advocates do their good work, but there has to be a consistent, strategic and outcome based approach that the government directs and non-government agencies can sign up to play their designated role if they want the cash.

-What level of government Zoomer? Well, a combination of all three levels, but there has to a national approach and strategy or else we’re shuffling the problem and giving people bus tickets to leave the province. Easier said than done.

-Why do we allow a tiny percentage of society (less than 1%) to inflict damage, harm and violence on the rest of us? I’m not speaking about all or even most homeless, but those who inflict physical violence, steal, damage property, etc. I get it, you’re addicted to drugs - you must feed the beast. But get caught stealing then you have a choice, rehab or one year in jail. Yes, we need more rehab and more preventive measures right from child birth and even before.

-Why do we allow people to set up homes in public parks, or sidewalks? How about no camping in public spaces period, and zero tolerance for any chattel goods that block sidewalks, public spaces. In return, yes, let’s make sure there are a variety of housing choices available, it’s humane and mandated by the courts. Some people will always prefer camping to shelters, I get that. Have the province purchase a few hectares of forest land somewhere in the Greater Victoria confines. Create enough camping spaces for 500 people. Provide all onsite services required, including government supplied drugs. The government has then fulfilled its obligation to provide housing within the the region. No one has the right to live in a downtown public park or in downtown storefronts.

-In addition to the rights of the homeless and drug addicted, we need to think of the 99%. How about a motto - ‘Respect and minimize harm for all”. In all cases we need to think how we can do both - is it sane to think that we place troubled people in a dense downtown environment where negative behaviour will impact the greatest number of people possible and drag down the economic driver of the region? Services can be provided anywhere, and more cost effectively on lower cost land with less negative economic impact (think losses to individuals and businesses, increase security and police costs, etc). Downtown homeless housing should still be available to those who want to live downtown and haven’t been convicted of offences. If you have been, well, sorry, you go to treatment (mental or drug), go to jail, or you can have housing available further away from people you have harmed.

-Enough of being married to your ideology - we need to all work together and constantly adapt our approaches to find success. It’s not about egos or empire building, it’s not about my approach or my philosophy (or what I’ve spent 30 years teaching at UVic) it’s about helping those who are in need and the rest of the community.

-Success is putting yourself out of business.. this has to be the motto, otherwise you’re in it for yourself. There must be transparency, which is crucial for public support and engagement. Homeless counts must be conducted by neutral parties, it’s mind boggling and unscientific (isn’t following science what we’re all calling for during this pandemic?) that it’s not currently. Real time shelter availability on a public website, real time (as possible) crime/incident reporting online, but also progress reports.

-What’s we’re doing isn’t working - let’s be open to new approaches, such as who we have working with the homeless and how we engage with them. Let’s be more aware of who is sleeping or panhandling on our streets, or identify early on those who are at risk. Support them to steer them away from bigger problems, have a larger and more active street team that isn’t the police level when not required. Ultimately we’re spending this money upfront now because we want to help and then reduce spending greatly so we can redirect it for benefits we can all enjoy - like more bike lanes, reduced taxes, nicer flower baskets, better health care.. whatever your heart desires! :D
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#18954 sebberry


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Posted 03 August 2020 - 10:29 AM

I didn't feel like cooking breakfast this morning so I picked up a bite at Timmies and headed out to Esquimalt Lagoon.  Pulled into a spot near a couple who were sitting behind their car.  Car looked like they could have been living out of it.  On closer inspection after the young woman brushed her hair and teeth, they were speaking French and the car had Quebec licence plates on it.


Look, I get times are tough.  But why are you driving to BC to camp overnight at Esquimalt Lagoon?  


Just before Christmas i was sitting out there one night having some tea and reading when an RCMP officer knocked on my window to remind me that the parking bylaws prohibit parking one hour after dusk.  He let me stay 'because it was Christmas'.  


For crying out loud.  You've got 20+ year locals who can't enjoy a quiet evening there but if you have out of province plates feel free to camp there!  

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#18955 A Girl is No one

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Posted 03 August 2020 - 10:57 AM

Here we go again...

« Victoria Police are warning the public to exercise increased caution following the discovery of a used, uncapped needle was found wrapped to a railing in the city's James Bay neighbourhood.

Police say the needle was found at around 5 pm on Sunday, with the exposed needle being tied to the handrail of a heavily used stairway. Officers say there was a small amount of blood on the needle, and believe the needle was placed there to intentionally cause injury.« 


#18956 Matt R.

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Posted 03 August 2020 - 11:52 AM

BC Housing paid what, $7,000,000 for Woodwynn Farm. Are they even using it or is it sitting empty?

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#18957 Victoria Watcher

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Posted 03 August 2020 - 12:38 PM

it’s it not even close to 1%.

#18958 mbjj

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Posted 03 August 2020 - 01:52 PM

BC Housing paid what, $7,000,000 for Woodwynn Farm. Are they even using it or is it sitting empty?


Wasn't it closed down for a couple of reasons? Think there were zoning problems and electrical problems with the temporary housing. Don't know what's going on there now. Isn't it part of the ALR?

#18959 Stephen Andrew

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Posted 03 August 2020 - 02:18 PM

Very disappointed and angry. A wonderful older lady who is probably the most generous person I know was in tears today. She has a raised garden spot in the community garden located at Cecilia Ravine Park off of Burnside . Homeless tent squatters (numbers growing on a daily basis) located in the park have climbed over the fence into the garden, pulled out all of the tomato plants and just left them to rot (they didn't bother to eat the tomatoes). Then they left a pile of faeces for her to clean up. She has moved the one remaining plant onto the balcony of her apartment. When she talked to a city representative, she was advised not to walk in that park but to stay on the road instead! Thanks Cov!

I want to talk to her please. This is not cool and a group I volunteer with want to ensure that area is safe.

I’d love to know “who” at the city said that to her.

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#18960 Victoria Watcher

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Posted 03 August 2020 - 02:31 PM

butchart should Bill itself as a private park. $25/month subscription. Could be lucrative since our best free parks are beng destroyed by Lisa helps.
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