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2021 Canadian General Election and term discussion

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#1601 AllseeingEye



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Posted 24 March 2023 - 08:52 AM

I'm not remotely defending the expenditures on food or drinks peoples, I'm just pointing out pertinent facts re: the security detail expenses - which by any measure far outweigh anything spent on the flight to Europe.

#1602 Nparker

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Posted 24 March 2023 - 08:58 AM

...Havel said the written laws in the East and West are pretty similar. The difference is in their administration. "Demanding that the laws be upheld…threatens the whole mendacious structure at its point of maximum mendacity." People were "easily and inconspicuously locked up for copying banned books." However, "policemen, prosecutors, or judges…exposed to public attention…suddenly and anxiously begin to take particular care that no cracks appear in the [legal] ritual...


#1603 Mike K.

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Posted 24 March 2023 - 09:31 AM

I'm not remotely defending the expenditures on food or drinks peoples, I'm just pointing out pertinent facts re: the security detail expenses - which by any measure far outweigh anything spent on the flight to Europe.

Yes, but the issue is not about security expenses, but why 33 people were served over $100,000 in food for a flight to Germany. It could be Trudeau and 32 guards, but why did they consume $100,000 in food over the span of a few hours?

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#1604 AllseeingEye



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Posted 24 March 2023 - 09:45 AM

They wouldn’t need such a security team if they didn’t use our money to stay in $6000/night hotels….


You think having security is an "option"? Sorry Dasmo I don't understand your point above? Regardless whether they spent $6 or $6000 on a room the GG does not determine if security is "needed": they simply have no say in the matter. Insofar as the GG is concerned the RCMP is the sole arbiter and determines what security (s)he needs - not the individual who temporarily holds the position.


For the GG security comes with the territory - no ifs ands or buts. Just like any sitting US President has Secret Service agents literally parked a few feet away from his elbows 7x24x365 for his entire term(s) of office and - optionally if he wants it - for the rest of his life. Which is the only time he has any say in the matter. American ex-president's can even choose to have the same level of SS security for their children up to age 16. Care to guess what that costs US taxpayers?


Oh and just for fun do you who else gets protection detail services in Canada? Federal cabinet ministers, visiting VIPs, MP's, senators, diplomats, Supreme, Federal and Federal Courts of Appeal justices, and anyone else designated by the office of the Minister of Public Safety as 'protected persons'.....


As I said above security does not come cheap.

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#1605 Mike K.

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Posted 24 March 2023 - 09:52 AM

You think having security is an "option"?


Stephen Harper doesn’t need a mini military following him around.

As I said above security does not come cheap.

We’re not talking about security costs. We’re talking about food costs.

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#1606 AllseeingEye



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Posted 24 March 2023 - 10:37 AM


Stephen Harper doesn’t need a mini military following him around.

We’re not talking about security costs. We’re talking about food costs.


I never said he did - where does he figure in this discussion? Regardless Stephen Harper is no longer the PM: the PM is not the US president where security is provided once they leave office. Purely off topic - I'm not sure why we're discussing Stephen Harper - but I would agree an ex-Canadian PM likely, typically would not need security - but that's not my call or yours to make.


The Minister of Public Safety is responsible to do so in this country and whether Harper "needs"s security or not that decision starts and ends with the minister almost certainly on the advice of federal police and/or intelligence services. A couple of guys sitting way out here in Victoria BC very likely aren't in the loop in terms of actual, potential threats faced by our federal public officials so its probably best to leave the decision whether security is "needed" to people other than you or me....


And I'm very well aware of what we're talking about and also, if you read it carefully, why I mentioned security, which by any tangible measure is infinitely more costly than a hotel room or meals at a restaurant. 


I also further stated plainly above this issue of (security costs) is not at all to excuse those costs for all of these other things like meals or hotels - on the surface they seem ridiculous if not outrageous. However that's why there is a federal auditor general and why public officials like GG"s and PM's must adhere to well established federal spending protocols and procedures; regardless, they probably should not be surprised when a citizen or the MSM media queries them on the fact they spent the amount of $ they did, and be prepared to speak and respond openly and promptly to those questions which are perfectly valid.


Personally, even for 30+ people, I'd love to know what cost taxpayer's $100K+ - we had almost that exact number of bodies at our recent family goodbye supper in Nova Scotia - 29 people to be exact - and we fed 'em all including drinks and desserts for about $425 with lots of food left over. Of course its highly unlikely our public officials were washing down their food with Nova Scotia beer...one can only speculate that the wine and champagne they consumed did not come from the $20 and under bargain aisle of the local Liquor Depot....

Edited by AllseeingEye, 24 March 2023 - 10:50 AM.

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#1607 dasmo


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Posted 24 March 2023 - 11:22 AM


This essay saved me during our experience as it showed me that it wasn’t new. And it wasn’t permanent. Thank you truckers…
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#1608 dasmo


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Posted 24 March 2023 - 11:25 AM

If you are hated and you hate the people you are supposed to serve - not rule, you need more security. It’s simple.
Four years ago he needed much less security. Prove me wrong.
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#1609 Nparker

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Posted 24 March 2023 - 11:30 AM

While I fully realize this sort of petition is most likely a lost cause, sometimes it just feels good to make one's opinion known when it comes government extravagance and waste.

#1610 Mike K.

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Posted 24 March 2023 - 01:04 PM

If you are hated and you hate the people you are supposed to serve - not rule, you need more security. It’s simple.
Four years ago he needed much less security. Prove me wrong.

I recall in his early days that he had quite an entourage, which is standard for a PM.

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#1611 Mike K.

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Posted 28 March 2023 - 07:16 AM

National Post on the CBC:

The CBC’s coverage of the China interference scandal has often been questionable and partisan. Though its unsurprising that the organization has chosen to act, yet again, as the Liberals’ state-funded PR wing, its recent decision to platform an apologist for Beijing’s genocide against the Uyghurs is a new low.

During the initial phase of the scandal, in mid to late February, the CBC provided relatively little coverage of China’s election meddling. Articles from that time disproportionately focussed on Trudeau’s rebuttals to his critics, including claims that the intelligence leaks detailing Beijing’s interference campaigns were allegedly “inaccurate.”

At the same time, the CBC seemed to frame the scandal as just a Conservative hit job. This narrative was, at first, integral to the Liberals’ attempts to discredit the story: ”We did nothing wrong. The Conservatives are just blowing things out of proportion to manipulate you.”

While the CBC acknowledged these realities to some extent, the organization has, on the whole, embraced the “this scandal is racist” angle.

To this effect, the CBC recently spotlighted a letter signed by “a group of academics” (in reality: nine people) which argues that Canada’s attempts to investigate China’s meddling are racist and counterproductive.

The CBC has since cited this letter in at least two other videos that push the racism angle — including one exchange where a reporter used the letter to rebut a security expert who said that Beijing was using false allegations of racism to prevent an interference investigation.

No other major publication has touched this story and it’s not hard to understand why — the letter was spearheaded by professor John Price of the University of Victoria, who is notorious for dismissing concerns about China’s crimes, including genocide against the Uyghurs.

Price is one of those stereotypical far left academics who fetishizes anti-western regimes no matter how abhorrent they may be. Among many other questionable claims, he has accused the “anglosphere” of being “united in an anti-China front” and says that Canada is joining “U.S.-led war preparations” to “provoke China.”

Price, who is caucasian, even previously alleged that the CBC is abetting racism by featuring Chinese-Canadian voices that are insufficiently pro-Beijing.

While there’s no shortage of these kinds of useful idiots, Price has distinguished himself by going further than most and defending denialism of the Uyghur genocide.

- https://nationalpost...ference-scandal

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#1612 Mike K.

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Posted 31 March 2023 - 07:21 AM

Feds admitting the carbon tax leaves people worse off financially.

Most households in Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland and Labrador will be “worse off” as a result of the carbon tax by 2030, according to the Parliamentary Budget Officer (PBO) latest report released Thursday.

Giroux said his office took into account a more sluggish economic growth with a carbon tax to come to these conclusions, and found that Nova Scotia, P.E.I. and Newfoundland and Labrador would follow the same trajectory as the other provinces, which is a net loss for most individuals and households on average.

“Most households will be worse off when you take into account this slightly lower economic activity,” he said. “So only the bottom quintile is better off but everybody else is likely worse.”

The carbon tax is set to rise to $65 per tonne of carbon dioxide, starting April 1st, and will gradually go up by $15 every year to end up costing $170 per tonne on April 1st 2030.

By then, the PBO’s report estimates that the net cost of the carbon tax – taking into account fiscal and economic impacts – will be $1,513 on average for Nova Scotians, $1,521 for Islanders and $1,316 for Newfoundlanders. The lowest income households will be receiving hundreds of dollars in rebates, but the cost grows as the household income is higher.

According to the PBO’s calculations, a family living in Nova Scotia with the lowest earning quintile would receive $226 in federal rebates whereas the highest earners could pay up to $4,368 in the year 2030-2031. A family in Newfoundland and Labrador by the same standards could either receive $689 or pay up to $4,872 during that same time period.

Households in Alberta could now pay $2,773 on average in 2030-2031 according to the new analysis on the cost of the carbon tax, compared to $2,282 as mentioned in last year’s report. For Ontario, the average is now $1,820 whereas it was estimated at $1,461 only last year.

- https://nationalpost...eral-carbon-tax

As of Saturday, our gasoline carbon tax will rise to 14.3x or thereabouts. By 2030, nearly 50 cents a litre will be a carbon tax. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Heating oils and gasses also have the tax. Every good and food item in every store has the tax priced in.

The public is being financially suffocated. There is no breathing room left.
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#1613 Nparker

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Posted 31 March 2023 - 07:51 AM

Our only hope is to elect different governments at the next federal and provincial elections. Even so, I am not sure this will stave off the coming tax assaults.
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#1614 dasmo


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Posted 31 March 2023 - 08:56 AM

Read Art of War.... 

Edited by dasmo, 31 March 2023 - 08:56 AM.

#1615 Victoria Watcher

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Posted 02 April 2023 - 08:47 AM

The federal Liberal government tabled a budget Tuesday that calls for billions of dollars in new spending — something they've done in every other fiscal document for the last seven years.

A review of federal finances shows just how big the government has become in recent years as a result. Ottawa is projected to spend about $151 billion more next year than it did in 2014-15, the year before Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his party won government in November.

It's not just expenses — federal public service employment has increased by 31 per cent in seven years. The government has added nearly 80,000 employees to the roster during its tenure.


Edited by Victoria Watcher, 02 April 2023 - 08:47 AM.

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#1616 dasmo


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Posted 02 April 2023 - 09:22 AM

Self preservation. If 51% is working for them they will always get elected.

Edited by dasmo, 02 April 2023 - 09:23 AM.

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#1617 Mike K.

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Posted 02 April 2023 - 09:27 AM

Harper was trying to wein the country off government employment. When the Liberals came into power, government employment exploded.

Immigration exploded, social spending exploded, and investment into Canadian resources and industry -imploded-. When the Cons get back into power, they will have to walk a minefield and dodge runaway trains for several years, just to get the country back onto a stable financial footing.

Look at our taxes now. It is becoming unmanageable by the working class. I mean you have long-time immigrants-turned-Canadians -leaving- Canada after spending several decades here, saying they can’t retire here and maintain a quality of life they paid into throughout their working lives.
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#1618 Victoria Watcher

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Posted 03 April 2023 - 10:45 AM


#1619 Nparker

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Posted 03 April 2023 - 11:29 AM

Remove the GST from the sale of ALL food products.

#1620 Victoria Watcher

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Posted 05 April 2023 - 11:01 AM

Clown. World. 


State sexualization of our children edition.







Edited by Victoria Watcher, 05 April 2023 - 11:05 AM.

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